Pystrip consists of three files,,, and pystrip. provides an interface to an assembler and disassembler for the Python byte codes. provides an interface for applying code transformation filters to compiled modules and saving them back out. Pystrip is a short file that defines a code transform that removes SET_LINENO instructions from the compiled modules specified on its command line. Installation: Before you can use either or, you must build a new python executable that includes the C module Modules/newmodule.c. Edit the file Module/Setup, looking for a line like: #new newmodule.c Uncomment this line (remove the #) and remake python by typing 'make'. When make finishes, copy the executable python to a directory in your shell's path, typically /usr/local/bin/. Copy the files and to your Python library directory, typically /usr/local/lib/python1.4/. Copy pystrip to a directory in your shell's path, typically /usr/local/bin/. You should now be able to run pystrip on any compiled Python modules. Trouble: If you should have trouble with pystrip or any of its components, please feel free to Email. I will attempt to help you out but I can't make any promises. Mike McDonald April 8, 1997