/* * HDSPMixer * * Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Charbonnel (thomas@undata.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #pragma implementation #include "HDSPMixerWindow.h" static void readregisters_cb(void *arg) { int err; snd_hwdep_t *hw; hdsp_peak_rms_t peak_rms; HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (!w->visible()) { Fl::add_timeout(0.03, readregisters_cb, w); return; } if ((err = snd_hwdep_open(&hw, w->cards[w->current_card]->name, SND_HWDEP_OPEN_READ)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open hwdep device. Metering stopped\n"); return; } if ((err = snd_hwdep_ioctl(hw, SNDRV_HDSP_IOCTL_GET_PEAK_RMS, (void *)&peak_rms)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "HwDep ioctl failed. Metering stopped\n"); snd_hwdep_close(hw); return; } snd_hwdep_close(hw); if (w->inputs->buttons->input) { for (int i = 0; i < w->cards[w->current_card]->channels; ++i) { w->inputs->strips[i]->meter->update(peak_rms.input_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xffffff00, peak_rms.input_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xf, peak_rms.input_rms[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])]); } } if (w->inputs->buttons->playback) { for (int i = 0; i < w->cards[w->current_card]->channels; ++i) { w->playbacks->strips[i]->meter->update(peak_rms.playback_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xffffff00, peak_rms.playback_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xf, peak_rms.playback_rms[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])]); } } if (w->inputs->buttons->output) { if (w->cards[w->current_card]->type != H9652) { for (int i = 0; i < w->cards[w->current_card]->channels; ++i) { w->outputs->strips[i]->meter->update(peak_rms.output_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xffffff00, peak_rms.output_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xf, 0 ); } for (int i = 0; i < w->cards[w->current_card]->lineouts; ++i) { w->outputs->strips[w->cards[w->current_card]->channels+i]->meter->update(peak_rms.output_peaks[26+i] & 0xffffff00, peak_rms.output_peaks[26+i] & 0xf, 0 ); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < w->cards[w->current_card]->channels; ++i) { w->outputs->strips[i]->meter->update(peak_rms.output_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xffffff00, peak_rms.output_peaks[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] & 0xf, peak_rms.output_rms[(w->cards[w->current_card]->meter_map[i])] ); } } } Fl::add_timeout(0.03, readregisters_cb, w); } static void exit_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (w->dirty) { if (!fl_ask("There are unsaved changes, quit anyway ?")) return; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void view_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { const Fl_Menu_Item *item = ((Fl_Menu_ *)widget)->mvalue(); HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (!strncmp(item->label(), "Input", 5)) { if (w->inputs->buttons->view->input) { w->inputs->buttons->view->input = 0; } else { w->inputs->buttons->view->input = 1; } } if (!strncmp(item->label(), "Playback", 8)) { if (w->inputs->buttons->view->playback) { w->inputs->buttons->view->playback = 0; } else { w->inputs->buttons->view->playback = 1; } } if (!strncmp(item->label(), "Output", 6)) { if (w->inputs->buttons->view->output) { w->inputs->buttons->view->output = 0; } else { w->inputs->buttons->view->output = 1; } } w->checkState(); w->reorder(); } static void submix_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (w->inputs->buttons->view->submix) { w->inputs->buttons->view->submix = 0; w->unsetSubmix(); } else { w->inputs->buttons->view->submix = 1; w->setSubmix(w->inputs->buttons->view->submix_value); } w->checkState(); w->inputs->buttons->view->redraw(); } static void dirty_cb(void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (!w->inputs->buttons->presets->saving) { if (w->inputs->buttons->presets->presetmask == (int)pow(2, w->inputs->buttons->presets->preset-1)) { w->inputs->buttons->presets->presetmask = 0; } else { w->inputs->buttons->presets->presetmask = (int)pow(2, w->inputs->buttons->presets->preset-1); } w->inputs->buttons->presets->redraw(); } if (w->dirty) { Fl::add_timeout(0.3, dirty_cb, arg); } else { w->inputs->buttons->presets->presetmask = (int)pow(2, w->inputs->buttons->presets->preset-1); } } static void setup_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; w->setup->show(); } static void about_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; w->about->show(); } static void open_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (!(w->file_name = fl_file_chooser("Choose a file to load presets from :", "HDSPMixer preset file (*.mix)", NULL, 0))) return; w->load(); } static void save_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (w->file_name == NULL) { if (!(w->file_name = fl_file_chooser("Choose a file to save presets to :", "HDSPMixer preset file (*.mix)", NULL, 0))) return; } w->save(); snprintf(w->window_title, FL_PATH_MAX, "HDSPMixer - %s", fl_filename_name(w->file_name)); w->label(w->window_title); } static void make_default_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (w->file_name) { w->prefs->set("default_file", w->file_name); w->prefs->flush(); } else { fl_alert("Please save to a file before setting to default"); } } static void restore_defaults_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; int i = 0; if (w->dirty) { if (!fl_ask("There are unsaved changes, restore factory settings anyway ?")) return; } w->prefs->deleteEntry("default_file"); w->prefs->flush(); w->file_name = NULL; snprintf(w->window_title, FL_PATH_MAX, "HDSPMixer"); w->label(w->window_title); w->resetMixer(); while (w->cards[i] != NULL) { w->restoreDefaults(i++); } w->inputs->buttons->presets->preset_change(1); } static void save_as_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)arg; if (!(w->file_name = fl_file_chooser("Choose a file to save presets to :", "HDSPMixer preset file (*.mix)", NULL, 0))) return; w->save(); } static void atclose_cb(Fl_Window *w, void *arg) { if (strncmp("HDSPMixer", w->label(), 9) == 0) { if (((HDSPMixerWindow *)w)->dirty) { if (!fl_ask("There are unsaved changes, quit anyway ?")) return; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } w->hide(); } static int handler_cb(int event) { HDSPMixerWindow *w = NULL; Fl_Window *fl_win = Fl::first_window(); while (1) { if (fl_win->label()) { if (strncmp("HDSPMixer", fl_win->label(), 9) == 0) { w = (HDSPMixerWindow *)fl_win; break; } } if ((fl_win = Fl::next_window(fl_win))) return 0; } if (!w) return 0; int key = Fl::event_key(); switch (event) { case FL_SHORTCUT: if (key == FL_Escape) { if (w->dirty) { if (!fl_ask("There are unsaved changes, quit anyway ?")) return 1; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (!w->setup->visible()) { if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') { /* numbers should show peak values */ w->setup->numbers_val = 0; w->checkState(); return 1; } else if (key == 'e' || key == 'E') { /* numbers should show rms values */ w->setup->numbers_val = 1; w->checkState(); return 1; } if (key == '0' || key == '0'+FL_KP) { /* rms +0dB */ w->setup->rmsplus3_val = 0; w->checkState(); return 1; } else if (key == '3' || key == '3'+FL_KP) { /* rms +3dB */ w->setup->rmsplus3_val = 1; w->checkState(); return 1; } if (key == '4' || key == '4'+FL_KP) { /* meter range is 40 dB */ w->setup->level_val = 0; w->checkState(); return 1; } else if (key == '6' || key == '6'+FL_KP) { /* meter range is 60 dB */ w->setup->level_val = 1; w->checkState(); return 1; } } break; default: return 0; } return 0; } void HDSPMixerWindow::save() { FILE *file; if ((file = fopen(file_name, "w")) == NULL) { fl_alert("Error opening file %s for saving", file_name); } if (dirty) { inputs->buttons->presets->save_preset(current_preset+1); } for (int speed = 0; speed < 3; ++speed) { for (int card = 0; card < 3; ++card) { for (int preset = 0; preset < 8; ++preset) { for (int channel = 0; channel < HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS; ++channel) { /* inputs pans and volumes */ if (fwrite((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto save_error; } /* playbacks pans and volumes */ if (fwrite((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto save_error; } /* inputs mute/solo/dest */ if (fwrite((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } /* playbacks mute/solo/dest */ if (fwrite((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } /* outputs volumes */ if (fwrite((void *)&(outputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } } /* Lineouts */ if (fwrite((void *)&(outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } /* Global settings */ if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->input), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->output), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->playback), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->submix), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->submix_value), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } if (fwrite((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto save_error; } } } } fclose(file); return; save_error: fclose(file); fl_alert("Error saving presets to file %s", file_name); return; } void HDSPMixerWindow::load() { FILE *file; if ((file = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) { int i = 0; fl_alert("Error opening file %s for reading", file_name); while (cards[i] != NULL) { restoreDefaults(i++); } inputs->buttons->presets->preset_change(1); return; } for (int speed = 0; speed < 3; ++speed) { for (int card = 0; card < 3; ++card) { for (int preset = 0; preset < 8; ++preset) { for (int channel = 0; channel < HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS; ++channel) { /* inputs pans and volumes */ if (fread((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto load_error; } /* playbacks pans and volumes */ if (fread((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[0]), sizeof(int), 14, file) != 14) { goto load_error; } /* inputs mute/solo/dest */ if (fread((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(inputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } /* playbacks mute/solo/dest */ if (fread((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(playbacks->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } /* outputs volumes */ if (fread((void *)&(outputs->strips[channel]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } } /* Lineouts */ if (fread((void *)&(outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } /* Global settings */ if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->input), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->output), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->playback), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->submix), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->submix_value), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->solo), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } if (fread((void *)&(data[card][speed][preset]->mute), sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { goto load_error; } } } } fclose(file); snprintf(window_title, FL_PATH_MAX, "HDSPMixer - %s", fl_filename_name(file_name)); label(window_title); resetMixer(); inputs->buttons->presets->preset_change(1); return; load_error: fclose(file); fl_alert("Error loading presets from file %s", file_name); return; } void HDSPMixerWindow::restoreDefaults(int card) { int phones; int chnls[3]; int maxdest[3]; int h9632_spdif_submix[3]; int h9632_an12_submix[3]; int num_modes = 2; int ndb = inputs->strips[0]->fader->ndb; switch (cards[card]->type) { case Multiface: chnls[0] = 18; chnls[1] = 14; maxdest[0] = 10; maxdest[1] = 8; phones = 1; break; case Digiface: chnls[0] = 26; chnls[1] = 14; maxdest[0] = 14; maxdest[1] = 8; phones = 1; break; case H9652: chnls[0] = 26; chnls[1] = 14; maxdest[0] = 13; maxdest[1] = 7; phones = 0; break; case H9632: chnls[0] = 16; chnls[1] = 12; chnls[2] = 8; maxdest[0] = 8; maxdest[1] = 6; maxdest[2] = 4; h9632_spdif_submix[0] = 4; h9632_spdif_submix[1] = 2; h9632_spdif_submix[2] = 0; h9632_an12_submix[0] = 5; h9632_an12_submix[1] = 3; h9632_an12_submix[2] = 1; num_modes = 3; phones = 0; break; default: /* should never happen */ return; } for (int preset = 0; preset < 8; ++preset) { for (int speed = 0; speed < num_modes; ++speed) { for (int i = 0; i < chnls[speed]; i+=2) { for (int z = 0; z < maxdest[speed]; ++z) { /* Gain setup */ if (cards[card]->type == H9632) { inputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 1 && z == h9632_an12_submix[speed]) || (i == z*2 && ((preset > 1 && preset < 4) || (preset == 7))) || ((preset == 5) && (z == h9632_spdif_submix[speed]))) ? ndb : 0; inputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 1 && z == h9632_an12_submix[speed]) || (i == z*2 && ((preset > 1 && preset < 4) || (preset == 7))) || ((preset == 5) && (z == h9632_spdif_submix[speed]))) ? ndb : 0; playbacks->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 1 && z == h9632_an12_submix[speed]) || i == z*2 || (preset == 5 && z == h9632_spdif_submix[speed])) ? ndb : 0; playbacks->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 1 && z == h9632_an12_submix[speed]) || i == z*2 || (preset == 5 && z == h9632_spdif_submix[speed])) ? ndb : 0; } else { inputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 6 && z == (maxdest[speed]-phones-1)) || (i == z*2 && (preset > 1 && preset < 4)) || (((preset > 0 && preset < 4) || preset == 7) && phones && (z == maxdest[speed]-1))) ? ndb : 0; inputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset == 6 && z == (maxdest[speed]-phones-1)) || (i == z*2 && (preset > 1 && preset < 4)) || (((preset > 0 && preset < 4) || preset == 7) && phones && (z == maxdest[speed]-1))) ? ndb : 0; playbacks->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset > 4 && preset < 7 && z == (maxdest[speed]-phones-1)) || i == z*2 || (phones && (z == maxdest[speed]-1))) ? ndb : 0; playbacks->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos[z] = ((preset > 4 && preset < 7 && z == (maxdest[speed]-phones-1)) || i == z*2 || (phones && (z == maxdest[speed]-1))) ? ndb : 0; } /* Pan setup */ inputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[z] = 0; inputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[z] = 28*CF; playbacks->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[z] = 0; playbacks->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->pan_pos[z] = 28*CF; } if (i < (chnls[speed]-(cards[card]->h9632_aeb.aebo ? 2 : 0))) { inputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest = inputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest = playbacks->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest = playbacks->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->dest = (int)floor(i/2); } outputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = (preset != 4) ? 137*CF : 0; outputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = (preset != 4) ? 137*CF : 0; if (preset == 3 || preset == 7) { inputs->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute = 1; inputs->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute = 1; if (preset == 7) { playbacks->strips[i]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute = 1; playbacks->strips[i+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->mute = 1; } } } if (cards[card]->type == H9632) { if (preset == 1 || preset == 6) { data[card][speed][preset]->submix_value = h9632_an12_submix[speed]; outputs->strips[h9632_an12_submix[speed]*2]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; outputs->strips[h9632_an12_submix[speed]*2+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; } else if (preset == 5) { data[card][speed][preset]->submix_value = h9632_spdif_submix[speed]; outputs->strips[h9632_spdif_submix[speed]*2]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; outputs->strips[h9632_spdif_submix[speed]*2+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; } else { data[card][speed][preset]->submix = 0; } } else if (preset > 4 && preset < 7) { data[card][speed][preset]->submix_value = maxdest[speed]-phones-1; if (preset == 5) { outputs->strips[chnls[speed]-2]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; outputs->strips[chnls[speed]-1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = ndb; } } else { data[card][speed][preset]->submix = 0; } if (preset == 3 || preset == 7) { data[card][speed][preset]->mute = 1; } if (phones) { outputs->strips[chnls[speed]]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = (preset != 4) ? ndb : 0; outputs->strips[chnls[speed]+1]->data[card][speed][preset]->fader_pos = (preset != 4) ? ndb : 0; } } } } HDSPMixerWindow::HDSPMixerWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label, HDSPMixerCard *hdsp_card1, HDSPMixerCard *hdsp_card2, HDSPMixerCard *hdsp_card3):Fl_Double_Window(x, y, w, h, label) { int i; cards[0] = hdsp_card1; cards[1] = hdsp_card2; cards[2] = hdsp_card3; current_card = current_preset = 0; prefs = new Fl_Preferences(Fl_Preferences::USER, "thomasATundata.org", "HDSPMixer"); if (!prefs->get("default_file", file_name_buffer, NULL, FL_PATH_MAX-1)) { file_name = NULL; } else { struct stat buf; if (!stat(file_name_buffer, &buf)) { file_name = file_name_buffer; } else { file_name = NULL; prefs->deleteEntry("default_file"); prefs->flush(); } } for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { data[j][0][i] = new HDSPMixerPresetData(); data[j][1][i] = new HDSPMixerPresetData(); data[j][2][i] = new HDSPMixerPresetData(); } } buttons_removed = 0; dirty = 0; scroll = new Fl_Scroll(0, 0, w, h); menubar = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, w, MENU_HEIGHT); menubar->textfont(FL_HELVETICA); menubar->textsize(12); menubar->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); menubar->add("&File/Open preset file", FL_CTRL+'o', (Fl_Callback *)open_cb, (void *)this); menubar->add("&File/Save preset file", FL_CTRL+'s', (Fl_Callback *)save_cb, (void *)this); menubar->add("&File/Save preset file as ...", 0, (Fl_Callback *)save_as_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); menubar->add("&File/Make current file default", 'd', (Fl_Callback *)make_default_cb, (void *)this); menubar->add("&File/Restore factory settings", 'f', (Fl_Callback *)restore_defaults_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); menubar->add("&File/E&xit", FL_CTRL+'q', (Fl_Callback *)exit_cb, (void *)this); menubar->add("&View/Input", 'i', (Fl_Callback *)view_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE); menubar->add("&View/Playback", 'p', (Fl_Callback *)view_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE); menubar->add("&View/Output", 'o', (Fl_Callback *)view_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_DIVIDER|FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE); menubar->add("&View/Submix", 's', (Fl_Callback *)submix_cb, (void *)this, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE); menubar->add("&Options/Level Meter Setup", 'm', (Fl_Callback *)setup_cb, (void *)this); menubar->add("&?/About", 0, (Fl_Callback *)about_cb, (void *)this); inputs = new HDSPMixerInputs(0, MENU_HEIGHT, w, FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT, cards[0]->channels); inputs->buttons->input = 1; inputs->buttons->output = 1; inputs->buttons->submix = 1; inputs->buttons->playback = 1; playbacks = new HDSPMixerPlaybacks(0, MENU_HEIGHT+FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT, w, FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT, cards[0]->channels); outputs = new HDSPMixerOutputs(0, MENU_HEIGHT+FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT*2, w, SMALLSTRIP_HEIGHT, cards[0]->channels); scroll->end(); end(); setup = new HDSPMixerSetup(400, 260, "Level Meters Setup", this); about = new HDSPMixerAbout(360, 260, "About HDSPMixer", this); i = 0; while (cards[i] != NULL) { cards[i++]->initializeCard(this); } size_range(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, cards[current_card]->window_width, cards[current_card]->window_height); resetMixer(); if (file_name) { printf("Restoring last presets used\n"); load(); } else { printf("Initializing default presets\n"); i = 0; while (cards[i] != NULL) { restoreDefaults(i++); } inputs->buttons->presets->preset_change(1); } Fl::atclose = atclose_cb; Fl::add_handler(handler_cb); Fl::add_timeout(0.030, readregisters_cb, this); i = 0; while (cards[i] != NULL) inputs->buttons->cardselector->ActivateCard (i++); } int HDSPMixerWindow::handle(int e) { return Fl_Double_Window::handle(e); } void HDSPMixerWindow::resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) { Fl_Double_Window::resize(x, y, w, h); scroll->resize (0, 0, w, h); } void HDSPMixerWindow::reorder() { int xpos = scroll->x(); int ypos = scroll->y(); int ytemp = ypos+MENU_HEIGHT; if (inputs->buttons->view->input) { scroll->add(inputs); inputs->add(*(inputs->buttons)); buttons_removed = 0; inputs->buttons->position(inputs->buttons->x(), MENU_HEIGHT); inputs->position(xpos, ytemp); ytemp += FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT; } else { if (!buttons_removed) { buttons_removed = 1; playbacks->add(*(inputs->buttons)); inputs->buttons->position(playbacks->empty->x(), playbacks->empty->y()); } scroll->remove(*inputs); } if (inputs->buttons->view->playback) { scroll->add(playbacks); playbacks->position(xpos, ytemp); ytemp += FULLSTRIP_HEIGHT; } else { scroll->remove(*playbacks); } if (inputs->buttons->view->output) { scroll->add(outputs); outputs->position(xpos, ytemp); ytemp += SMALLSTRIP_HEIGHT; } else { scroll->remove(*outputs); } scroll->init_sizes(); resize(x(), y(), w(), ytemp); size_range(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, cards[current_card]->window_width, ytemp); } void HDSPMixerWindow::checkState() { int speed = cards[current_card]->speed_mode; int p = inputs->buttons->presets->preset-1; int corrupt = 0; /* Mixer strips */ for (int i = 0; i < HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < HDSP_MAX_DEST; ++j) { /* Inputs */ if (inputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->pan_pos[j] != inputs->strips[i]->pan->pos[j]) corrupt++; if (inputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->fader_pos[j] != inputs->strips[i]->fader->pos[j]) corrupt++; if (playbacks->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->pan_pos[j] != playbacks->strips[i]->pan->pos[j]) corrupt++; if (playbacks->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->fader_pos[j] != playbacks->strips[i]->fader->pos[j]) corrupt++; } /* Inputs row */ if (inputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->mute != inputs->strips[i]->mutesolo->mute) corrupt++; if (inputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->solo != inputs->strips[i]->mutesolo->solo) corrupt++; if (inputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->dest != inputs->strips[i]->targets->selected) corrupt++; /* Playbacks row */ if (playbacks->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->mute != playbacks->strips[i]->mutesolo->mute) corrupt++; if (playbacks->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->solo != playbacks->strips[i]->mutesolo->solo) corrupt++; if (playbacks->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->dest != playbacks->strips[i]->targets->selected) corrupt++; /* Outputs row */ if (outputs->strips[i]->data[current_card][speed][p]->fader_pos != outputs->strips[i]->fader->pos[0]) corrupt++; } /* Line outs */ if (outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS]->data[current_card][speed][p]->fader_pos != outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS]->fader->pos[0]) corrupt++; if (outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS+1]->data[current_card][speed][p]->fader_pos != outputs->strips[HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS+1]->fader->pos[0]) corrupt++; /* Global settings */ if (data[current_card][speed][p]->mute != inputs->buttons->master->mute) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->solo != inputs->buttons->master->solo) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->input != inputs->buttons->view->input) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->output != inputs->buttons->view->output) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->playback != inputs->buttons->view->playback) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->submix != inputs->buttons->view->submix) corrupt++; if (data[current_card][speed][p]->submix_value != inputs->buttons->view->submix_value) corrupt++; /* Setup options */ if (setup->over_val != data[current_card][speed][p]->over) corrupt++; if (setup->rate_val != data[current_card][speed][p]->rate) corrupt++; if (setup->level_val != data[current_card][speed][p]->level) corrupt++; if (setup->rmsplus3_val != data[current_card][speed][p]->rmsplus3) corrupt++; if (setup->numbers_val != data[current_card][speed][p]->numbers) corrupt++; if (corrupt) { if (!dirty) { dirty = 1; snprintf(window_title, FL_PATH_MAX, "HDSPMixer - %s *", fl_filename_name(file_name)); label(window_title); Fl::add_timeout(0.3, dirty_cb, (void *)this); } } else { snprintf(window_title, FL_PATH_MAX, "HDSPMixer - %s", fl_filename_name(file_name)); label(window_title); dirty = 0; } } void HDSPMixerWindow::setSubmix(int submix_value) { for (int i = 0; i < cards[current_card]->channels; i++) { inputs->strips[i]->targets->value(submix_value); inputs->strips[i]->targets->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->fader->dest = submix_value; inputs->strips[i]->fader->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->pan->dest = submix_value; inputs->strips[i]->pan->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->fader->sendGain(); playbacks->strips[i]->targets->value(submix_value); playbacks->strips[i]->targets->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->fader->dest = submix_value; playbacks->strips[i]->fader->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->pan->dest = submix_value; playbacks->strips[i]->pan->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->fader->sendGain(); } } void HDSPMixerWindow::unsetSubmix() { for (int i = 0; i < cards[current_card]->channels; i++) { inputs->strips[i]->targets->value(inputs->strips[i]->targets->selected); inputs->strips[i]->targets->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->fader->dest = inputs->strips[i]->targets->selected; inputs->strips[i]->fader->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->pan->dest = inputs->strips[i]->targets->selected; inputs->strips[i]->pan->redraw(); inputs->strips[i]->fader->sendGain(); playbacks->strips[i]->targets->value(playbacks->strips[i]->targets->selected); playbacks->strips[i]->targets->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->fader->dest = playbacks->strips[i]->targets->selected; playbacks->strips[i]->fader->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->pan->dest = playbacks->strips[i]->targets->selected; playbacks->strips[i]->pan->redraw(); playbacks->strips[i]->fader->sendGain(); } } void HDSPMixerWindow::refreshMixer() { int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= cards[current_card]->channels; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < inputs->strips[0]->targets->max_dest; ++j) { setMixer(i, 0, j); setMixer(i, 1, j); } } } void HDSPMixerWindow::refreshMixerStrip(int idx, int src) { int i; for (i = 0; i < inputs->strips[0]->targets->max_dest; ++i) { setMixer(idx, src, i); } } void HDSPMixerWindow::resetMixer() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < (cards[current_card]->playbacks_offset*2) ; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < (cards[current_card]->playbacks_offset+cards[current_card]->lineouts); ++j) { setGain(i, j, 0); } } } void HDSPMixerWindow::setGain(int in, int out, int value) { /* just a wrapper around the 'Mixer' ctl */ int err; snd_ctl_elem_id_t *id; snd_ctl_elem_value_t *ctl; snd_ctl_t *handle; snd_ctl_elem_value_alloca(&ctl); snd_ctl_elem_id_alloca(&id); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_name(id, "Mixer"); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_interface(id, SND_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_HWDEP); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_device(id, 0); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_index(id, 0); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_id(ctl, id); if ((err = snd_ctl_open(&handle, cards[current_card]->name, SND_CTL_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alsa error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return; } snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 0, in); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 1, out); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 2, value); if ((err = snd_ctl_elem_write(handle, ctl)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alsa error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); snd_ctl_close(handle); return; } snd_ctl_close(handle); } void HDSPMixerWindow::setMixer(int idx, int src, int dst) { /* idx is the strip number (indexed fom 1) src is the row (0 = inputs, 1 = playbacks, 2 = outputs) dst is the destination stereo channel */ int err,gsolo_active,gmute_active, gmute, gsolo; snd_ctl_elem_id_t *id; snd_ctl_elem_value_t *ctl; snd_ctl_t *handle; gsolo_active = inputs->buttons->master->solo_active; gmute_active = inputs->buttons->master->mute_active; gsolo = inputs->buttons->master->solo; gmute = inputs->buttons->master->mute; if (src == 0 || src == 1) { double vol, pan, attenuation_l, attenuation_r, left_val, right_val; snd_ctl_elem_value_alloca(&ctl); snd_ctl_elem_id_alloca(&id); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_name(id, "Mixer"); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_interface(id, SND_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_HWDEP); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_device(id, 0); snd_ctl_elem_id_set_index(id, 0); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_id(ctl, id); if ((err = snd_ctl_open(&handle, cards[current_card]->name, SND_CTL_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alsa error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); return; } if (src) { if ((gmute && playbacks->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->mute && !(playbacks->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->solo && gsolo)) || (gsolo && gsolo_active && !(playbacks->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->solo)) ) { left_val = right_val = 0; goto muted; } } else { if ((gmute && inputs->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->mute && !(inputs->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->solo && gsolo)) || (gsolo && gsolo_active && !(inputs->strips[idx-1]->mutesolo->solo)) ) { left_val = right_val = 0; goto muted; } } if (src) { vol = playbacks->strips[idx-1]->fader->posToInt(playbacks->strips[idx-1]->fader->pos[dst]); pan = (double)(playbacks->strips[idx-1]->pan->pos[dst])/(double)(PAN_WIDTH*CF); } else { vol = inputs->strips[idx-1]->fader->posToInt(inputs->strips[idx-1]->fader->pos[dst]); pan = (double)(inputs->strips[idx-1]->pan->pos[dst])/(double)(PAN_WIDTH*CF); } attenuation_l = (double)(outputs->strips[dst*2]->fader->posToInt(outputs->strips[dst*2]->fader->pos[0]))/65535.0; attenuation_r = (double)(outputs->strips[dst*2+1]->fader->posToInt(outputs->strips[dst*2+1]->fader->pos[0]))/65535.0; left_val = attenuation_l* vol * (1.0 - pan); right_val = attenuation_r* vol * pan; muted: snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 0, src*cards[current_card]->playbacks_offset+cards[current_card]->channel_map[idx-1]); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 1, cards[current_card]->dest_map[dst]); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 2, (int)left_val); if ((err = snd_ctl_elem_write(handle, ctl)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alsa error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); snd_ctl_close(handle); return; } snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 0, src*cards[current_card]->playbacks_offset+cards[current_card]->channel_map[idx-1]); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 1, cards[current_card]->dest_map[dst]+1); snd_ctl_elem_value_set_integer(ctl, 2, (int)right_val); if ((err = snd_ctl_elem_write(handle, ctl)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alsa error: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); snd_ctl_close(handle); return; } snd_ctl_close(handle); } else if (src == 2) { int i, vol, dest; dest = (int)floor((idx-1)/2); for (i = 0; i < cards[current_card]->channels; ++i) { if ((vol = inputs->strips[i]->fader->posToInt(inputs->strips[i]->fader->pos[dest])) != 0) { setMixer(i+1, 0, dest); } if ((vol = playbacks->strips[i]->fader->posToInt(playbacks->strips[i]->fader->pos[dest])) != 0) { setMixer(i+1, 1, dest); } } } }