/* * HDSPMixer * * Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Charbonnel (thomas@undata.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #pragma implementation #include "HDSPMixerFader.h" HDSPMixerFader::HDSPMixerFader(int x, int y, double r, int id, int src):Fl_Widget(x, y, 13, 153) { index = id; source = src; ndb = (int)(CF*(double)(log(0.5*(exp(3.0)-1)+1)*(double)(FADER_HEIGHT)/3.0)); non_submix_dest = 0; dest = 0; ref = r; basew = (HDSPMixerWindow *)window(); anchor = lastpos = lasty = drag = shift_orig = y_orig = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { pos[i] = 0; } } void HDSPMixerFader::draw() { fl_draw_pixmap(Slider1_xpm, x(), y()+139-(int)(pos[dest]/CF)); } int HDSPMixerFader::handle(int e) { int button3 = Fl::event_button3(); int shift = Fl::event_shift(); int ctrl = Fl::event_ctrl(); int ypos = Fl::event_y()-y(); switch (e) { case FL_PUSH: if (onSlider(ypos)) { anchor = 144-ypos-(int)(pos[dest]/CF); if (button3) relative->set(pos[dest]); return 1; } anchor = 0; if (ctrl) { pos[dest] = ndb; } else if (ypos < 7) { pos[dest] = 137*CF; } else if (ypos > 6 && ypos < 146) { pos[dest] = (144-ypos)*CF; } else if (ypos > 145) { pos[dest] = 0; } if (lastpos != pos[dest]) { basew->setMixer(index, source, dest); sendGain(); lastpos = pos[dest]; } if (lasty != (int)(pos[dest]/CF)) { redraw(); lasty = (int)(pos[dest]/CF); } if (button3) relative->set(pos[dest]); shift_orig = pos[dest]; y_orig = ypos; basew->checkState(); return 1; case FL_DRAG: ypos += anchor; if (ctrl) { pos[dest] = ndb; shift_orig = pos[dest]; y_orig = ypos; } else if ((ypos > 6 && ypos < 146) || drag) { drag = 1; if (shift) { pos[dest] = (y_orig-ypos)+shift_orig; if (pos[dest] < 0) pos[dest] = 0; if (pos[dest] > 137*CF) pos[dest] = 137*CF; } else { if (ypos < 7) { pos[dest] = 137*CF; } else if (ypos > 144) { pos[dest] = 0; } else { pos[dest] = (144-ypos)*CF; } shift_orig = pos[dest]; y_orig = ypos; } } if (lastpos != pos[dest]) { basew->setMixer(index, source, dest); sendGain(); lastpos = pos[dest]; } if (lasty != (int)(pos[dest]/CF)) { redraw(); lasty = (int)(pos[dest]/CF); } if (button3) relative->set(pos[dest]); basew->checkState(); return 1; case FL_RELEASE: drag = 0; anchor = 0; return 1; default : return Fl_Widget::handle(e); } } int HDSPMixerFader::onSlider(int ypos) { if (ypos > (139-(int)(pos[dest]/CF)) && ypos < (151-(int)(pos[dest]/CF))) { return 1; } return 0; } void HDSPMixerFader::set(int p) { if (p != pos[dest]) { pos[dest] = lastpos = p; basew->setMixer(index, source, dest); sendGain(); } if (lasty != (int)(pos[dest]/CF)) { lasty = (int)(pos[dest]/CF); redraw(); } } int HDSPMixerFader::posToInt(int p) { double x, y; if (p == ndb) return 32768; if (p == 137*CF) return 65535; if (p == 0) return 0; x = ((double)(p)) / (double)(137*CF); y = 65535.0 * (exp(3.0 * x) - 1.0) / (exp(3.0) - 1.0); if (y > 65535.0) y = 65535.0; if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0; return (int)y; } void HDSPMixerFader::posToLog(char *s) { double db, fpos; if (posToInt(pos[dest]) == 0) { snprintf(s, 10, "-oo"); return; } fpos = (double)posToInt(pos[dest]) / ref; db = 20.0 * log10(fpos); snprintf(s, 10, "%.1f", db); } void HDSPMixerFader::sendGain() { char buf[10]; posToLog(buf); gain->setText(buf); }