/*++ /* NAME /* smtpd 8 /* SUMMARY /* Postfix SMTP server /* SYNOPSIS /* \fBsmtpd\fR [generic Postfix daemon options] /* DESCRIPTION /* The SMTP server accepts network connection requests /* and performs zero or more SMTP transactions per connection. /* Each received message is piped through the \fBcleanup\fR(8) /* daemon, and is placed into the \fBincoming\fR queue as one /* single queue file. For this mode of operation, the program /* expects to be run from the \fBmaster\fR(8) process manager. /* /* Alternatively, the SMTP server takes an established /* connection on standard input and deposits messages directly /* into the \fBmaildrop\fR queue. In this so-called stand-alone /* mode, the SMTP server can accept mail even while the mail /* system is not running. /* /* The SMTP server implements a variety of policies for connection /* requests, and for parameters given to \fBHELO, ETRN, MAIL FROM, VRFY\fR /* and \fBRCPT TO\fR commands. They are detailed below and in the /* \fBmain.cf\fR configuration file. /* SECURITY /* .ad /* .fi /* The SMTP server is moderately security-sensitive. It talks to SMTP /* clients and to DNS servers on the network. The SMTP server can be /* run chrooted at fixed low privilege. /* STANDARDS /* RFC 821 (SMTP protocol) /* RFC 1123 (Host requirements) /* RFC 1652 (8bit-MIME transport) /* RFC 1869 (SMTP service extensions) /* RFC 1870 (Message Size Declaration) /* RFC 1985 (ETRN command) /* RFC 2554 (AUTH command) /* RFC 2821 (SMTP protocol) /* RFC 2920 (SMTP Pipelining) /* RFC 3207 (STARTTLS command) /* DIAGNOSTICS /* Problems and transactions are logged to \fBsyslogd\fR(8). /* /* Depending on the setting of the \fBnotify_classes\fR parameter, /* the postmaster is notified of bounces, protocol problems, /* policy violations, and of other trouble. /* CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS /* .ad /* .fi /* Changes to \fBmain.cf\fR are picked up automatically, as \fBsmtpd\fR(8) /* processes run for only a limited amount of time. Use the command /* "\fBpostfix reload\fR" to speed up a change. /* /* The text below provides only a parameter summary. See /* \fBpostconf\fR(5) for more details including examples. /* COMPATIBILITY CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The following parameters work around implementation errors in other /* software, and/or allow you to override standards in order to prevent /* undesirable use. /* .ad /* .fi /* .IP "\fBbroken_sasl_auth_clients (no)\fR" /* Enable inter-operability with SMTP clients that implement an obsolete /* version of the AUTH command (RFC 2554). /* .IP "\fBdisable_vrfy_command (no)\fR" /* Disable the SMTP VRFY command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_noop_commands (empty)\fR" /* List of commands that the Postfix SMTP server replies to with "250 /* Ok", without doing any syntax checks and without changing state. /* .IP "\fBstrict_rfc821_envelopes (no)\fR" /* Require that addresses received in SMTP MAIL FROM and RCPT TO /* commands are enclosed with <>, and that those addresses do /* not contain RFC 822 style comments or phrases. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBresolve_null_domain (no)\fR" /* Resolve an address that ends in the "@" null domain as if the /* local hostname were specified, instead of rejecting the address as /* invalid. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_reject_unlisted_sender (no)\fR" /* Request that the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail from unknown /* sender addresses, even when no explicit reject_unlisted_sender /* access restriction is specified. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks (empty)\fR" /* What SMTP clients Postfix will not offer AUTH support to. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps (empty)\fR" /* Lookup tables, indexed by the remote SMTP client address, with /* case insensitive lists of EHLO keywords (pipelining, starttls, /* auth, etc.) that the SMTP server will not send in the EHLO response /* to a remote SMTP client. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords (empty)\fR" /* A case insensitive list of EHLO keywords (pipelining, starttls, /* auth, etc.) that the SMTP server will not send in the EHLO response /* to a remote SMTP client. /* ADDRESS REWRITING CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* See the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document for a detailed /* discussion of Postfix address rewriting. /* .IP "\fBreceive_override_options (empty)\fR" /* Enable or disable recipient validation, built-in content /* filtering, or address mapping. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later: /* .IP "\fBlocal_header_rewrite_clients (permit_inet_interfaces)\fR" /* Append the domain name in $myorigin or $mydomain to message /* header addresses from these clients only; either don't rewrite /* message headers from other clients at all, or append the domain /* specified with the remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter. /* AFTER QUEUE EXTERNAL CONTENT INSPECTION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* As of version 1.0, Postfix can be configured to send new mail to /* an external content filter AFTER the mail is queued. This content /* filter is expected to inject mail back into a (Postfix or other) /* MTA for further delivery. See the FILTER_README document for details. /* .IP "\fBcontent_filter (empty)\fR" /* The name of a mail delivery transport that filters mail after /* it is queued. /* BEFORE QUEUE EXTERNAL CONTENT INSPECTION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* As of version 2.1, the Postfix SMTP server can be configured /* to send incoming mail to a real-time SMTP-based content filter /* BEFORE mail is queued. This content filter is expected to inject /* mail back into Postfix. See the SMTPD_PROXY_README document for /* details on how to configure and operate this feature. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_proxy_filter (empty)\fR" /* The hostname and TCP port of the mail filtering proxy server. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_proxy_ehlo ($myhostname)\fR" /* How the Postfix SMTP server announces itself to the proxy filter. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_proxy_timeout (100s)\fR" /* The time limit for connecting to a proxy filter and for sending or /* receiving information. /* GENERAL CONTENT INSPECTION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The following parameters are applicable for both built-in /* and external content filters. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBreceive_override_options (empty)\fR" /* Enable or disable recipient validation, built-in content /* filtering, or address mapping. /* EXTERNAL CONTENT INSPECTION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The following parameters are applicable for both before-queue /* and after-queue content filtering. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts (empty)\fR" /* What SMTP clients are allowed to use the XFORWARD feature. /* SASL AUTHENTICATION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* Postfix SASL support (RFC 2554) can be used to authenticate remote /* SMTP clients to the Postfix SMTP server, and to authenticate the /* Postfix SMTP client to a remote SMTP server. /* See the SASL_README document for details. /* .IP "\fBbroken_sasl_auth_clients (no)\fR" /* Enable inter-operability with SMTP clients that implement an obsolete /* version of the AUTH command (RFC 2554). /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_auth_enable (no)\fR" /* Enable SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP server. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_application_name (smtpd)\fR" /* The application name used for SASL server initialization. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_local_domain (empty)\fR" /* The name of the local SASL authentication realm. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_security_options (noanonymous)\fR" /* Restrict what authentication mechanisms the Postfix SMTP server /* will offer to the client. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sender_login_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional lookup table with the SASL login names that own sender /* (MAIL FROM) addresses. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks (empty)\fR" /* What SMTP clients Postfix will not offer AUTH support to. /* STARTTLS SUPPORT CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* Detailed information about STARTTLS configuration may be /* found in the TLS_README document. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_use_tls (no)\fR" /* Opportunistic mode: announce STARTTLS support to SMTP clients, /* but do not require that clients use TLS encryption. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_enforce_tls (no)\fR" /* Enforcement mode: announce STARTTLS support to SMTP clients, /* and require that clients use TLS encryption. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sasl_tls_security_options ($smtpd_sasl_security_options)\fR" /* The SASL authentication security options that the Postfix SMTP /* server uses for TLS encrypted SMTP sessions. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_starttls_timeout (300s)\fR" /* The time limit for Postfix SMTP server write and read operations /* during TLS startup and shutdown handshake procedures. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_CAfile (empty)\fR" /* The file with the certificate of the certification authority /* (CA) that issued the Postfix SMTP server certificate. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_CAfile (empty)\fR" /* The file with the certificate of the certification authority /* (CA) that issued the Postfix SMTP server certificate. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_ask_ccert (no)\fR" /* Ask a remote SMTP client for a client certificate. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_auth_only (no)\fR" /* When TLS encryption is optional in the Postfix SMTP server, do /* not announce or accept SASL authentication over unencrypted /* connections. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth (5)\fR" /* The verification depth for remote SMTP client certificates. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_cert_file (empty)\fR" /* File with the Postfix SMTP server RSA certificate in PEM format. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_cipherlist (empty)\fR" /* Controls the Postfix SMTP server TLS cipher selection scheme. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_dcert_file (empty)\fR" /* File with the Postfix SMTP server DSA certificate in PEM format. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file (empty)\fR" /* File with DH parameters that the Postfix SMTP server should /* use with EDH ciphers. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_dh512_param_file (empty)\fR" /* File with DH parameters that the Postfix SMTP server should /* use with EDH ciphers. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_dkey_file ($smtpd_tls_dcert_file)\fR" /* File with the Postfix SMTP server DSA private key in PEM format. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_key_file ($smtpd_tls_cert_file)\fR" /* File with the Postfix SMTP server RSA private key in PEM format. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_loglevel (0)\fR" /* Enable additional Postfix SMTP server logging of TLS activity. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_received_header (no)\fR" /* Request that the Postfix SMTP server produces Received: message /* headers that include information about the protocol and cipher used, /* as well as the client CommonName and client certificate issuer /* CommonName. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_req_ccert (no)\fR" /* When TLS encryption is enforced, require a remote SMTP client /* certificate in order to allow TLS connections to proceed. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_session_cache_database (empty)\fR" /* Name of the file containing the optional Postfix SMTP server /* TLS session cache. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout (3600s)\fR" /* The expiration time of Postfix SMTP server TLS session cache /* information. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_tls_wrappermode (no)\fR" /* Run the Postfix SMTP server in the non-standard "wrapper" mode, /* instead of using the STARTTLS command. /* .IP "\fBtls_daemon_random_bytes (32)\fR" /* The number of pseudo-random bytes that an \fBsmtp\fR(8) or \fBsmtpd\fR(8) /* process requests from the \fBtlsmgr\fR(8) server in order to seed its /* internal pseudo random number generator (PRNG). /* VERP SUPPORT CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* With VERP style delivery, each recipient of a message receives a /* customized copy of the message with his/her own recipient address /* encoded in the envelope sender address. The VERP_README file /* describes configuration and operation details of Postfix support /* for variable envelope return path addresses. VERP style delivery /* is requested with the SMTP XVERP command or with the "sendmail /* -V" command-line option and is available in Postfix version 1.1 /* and later. /* .IP "\fBdefault_verp_delimiters (+=)\fR" /* The two default VERP delimiter characters. /* .IP "\fBverp_delimiter_filter (-=+)\fR" /* The characters Postfix accepts as VERP delimiter characters on the /* Postfix \fBsendmail\fR(1) command line and in SMTP commands. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 1.1 and 2.0: /* .IP "\fBauthorized_verp_clients ($mynetworks)\fR" /* What SMTP clients are allowed to specify the XVERP command. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_authorized_verp_clients ($authorized_verp_clients)\fR" /* What SMTP clients are allowed to specify the XVERP command. /* TROUBLE SHOOTING CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The DEBUG_README document describes how to debug parts of the /* Postfix mail system. The methods vary from making the software log /* a lot of detail, to running some daemon processes under control of /* a call tracer or debugger. /* .IP "\fBdebug_peer_level (2)\fR" /* The increment in verbose logging level when a remote client or /* server matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter. /* .IP "\fBdebug_peer_list (empty)\fR" /* Optional list of remote client or server hostname or network /* address patterns that cause the verbose logging level to increase /* by the amount specified in $debug_peer_level. /* .IP "\fBerror_notice_recipient (postmaster)\fR" /* The recipient of postmaster notifications about mail delivery /* problems that are caused by policy, resource, software or protocol /* errors. /* .IP "\fBnotify_classes (resource, software)\fR" /* The list of error classes that are reported to the postmaster. /* .IP "\fBsoft_bounce (no)\fR" /* Safety net to keep mail queued that would otherwise be returned to /* the sender. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_authorized_xclient_hosts (empty)\fR" /* What SMTP clients are allowed to use the XCLIENT feature. /* KNOWN VERSUS UNKNOWN RECIPIENT CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* As of Postfix version 2.0, the SMTP server rejects mail for /* unknown recipients. This prevents the mail queue from clogging up /* with undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages. Additional information /* on this topic is in the LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README and ADDRESS_CLASS_README /* documents. /* .IP "\fBshow_user_unknown_table_name (yes)\fR" /* Display the name of the recipient table in the "User unknown" /* responses. /* .IP "\fBcanonical_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional address mapping lookup tables for message headers and /* envelopes. /* .IP "\fBrecipient_canonical_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope and header /* recipient addresses. /* .PP /* Parameters concerning known/unknown local recipients: /* .IP "\fBmydestination ($myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost)\fR" /* The list of domains that are delivered via the $local_transport /* mail delivery transport. /* .IP "\fBinet_interfaces (all)\fR" /* The network interface addresses that this mail system receives /* mail on. /* .IP "\fBproxy_interfaces (empty)\fR" /* The network interface addresses that this mail system receives mail /* on by way of a proxy or network address translation unit. /* .IP "\fBinet_protocols (ipv4)\fR" /* The Internet protocols Postfix will attempt to use when making /* or accepting connections. /* .IP "\fBlocal_recipient_maps (proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps)\fR" /* Lookup tables with all names or addresses of local recipients: /* a recipient address is local when its domain matches $mydestination, /* $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces. /* .IP "\fBunknown_local_recipient_reject_code (550)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a recipient /* address is local, and $local_recipient_maps specifies a list of /* lookup tables that does not match the recipient. /* .PP /* Parameters concerning known/unknown recipients of relay destinations: /* .IP "\fBrelay_domains ($mydestination)\fR" /* What destination domains (and subdomains thereof) this system /* will relay mail to. /* .IP "\fBrelay_recipient_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional lookup tables with all valid addresses in the domains /* that match $relay_domains. /* .IP "\fBunknown_relay_recipient_reject_code (550)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a recipient /* address matches $relay_domains, and relay_recipient_maps specifies /* a list of lookup tables that does not match the recipient address. /* .PP /* Parameters concerning known/unknown recipients in virtual alias /* domains: /* .IP "\fBvirtual_alias_domains ($virtual_alias_maps)\fR" /* Postfix is final destination for the specified list of virtual /* alias domains, that is, domains for which all addresses are aliased /* to addresses in other local or remote domains. /* .IP "\fBvirtual_alias_maps ($virtual_maps)\fR" /* Optional lookup tables that alias specific mail addresses or domains /* to other local or remote address. /* .IP "\fBunknown_virtual_alias_reject_code (550)\fR" /* The SMTP server reply code when a recipient address matches /* $virtual_alias_domains, and $virtual_alias_maps specifies a list /* of lookup tables that does not match the recipient address. /* .PP /* Parameters concerning known/unknown recipients in virtual mailbox /* domains: /* .IP "\fBvirtual_mailbox_domains ($virtual_mailbox_maps)\fR" /* Postfix is final destination for the specified list of domains; /* mail is delivered via the $virtual_transport mail delivery transport. /* .IP "\fBvirtual_mailbox_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional lookup tables with all valid addresses in the domains that /* match $virtual_mailbox_domains. /* .IP "\fBunknown_virtual_mailbox_reject_code (550)\fR" /* The SMTP server reply code when a recipient address matches /* $virtual_mailbox_domains, and $virtual_mailbox_maps specifies a list /* of lookup tables that does not match the recipient address. /* RESOURCE AND RATE CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The following parameters limit resource usage by the SMTP /* server and/or control client request rates. /* .IP "\fBline_length_limit (2048)\fR" /* Upon input, long lines are chopped up into pieces of at most /* this length; upon delivery, long lines are reconstructed. /* .IP "\fBqueue_minfree (0)\fR" /* The minimal amount of free space in bytes in the queue file system /* that is needed to receive mail. /* .IP "\fBmessage_size_limit (10240000)\fR" /* The maximal size in bytes of a message, including envelope information. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_recipient_limit (1000)\fR" /* The maximal number of recipients that the Postfix SMTP server /* accepts per message delivery request. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_timeout (300s)\fR" /* The time limit for sending a Postfix SMTP server response and for /* receiving a remote SMTP client request. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_history_flush_threshold (100)\fR" /* The maximal number of lines in the Postfix SMTP server command history /* before it is flushed upon receipt of EHLO, RSET, or end of DATA. /* .PP /* The per SMTP client connection count and request rate limits are /* implemented in co-operation with the \fBanvil\fR(8) service, and /* are available in Postfix version 2.2 and later. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_connection_count_limit (50)\fR" /* How many simultaneous connections any client is allowed to /* make to this service. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_connection_rate_limit (0)\fR" /* The maximal number of connection attempts any client is allowed to /* make to this service per time unit. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_message_rate_limit (0)\fR" /* The maximal number of message delivery requests that any client is /* allowed to make to this service per time unit, regardless of whether /* or not Postfix actually accepts those messages. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit (0)\fR" /* The maximal number of recipient addresses that any client is allowed /* to send to this service per time unit, regardless of whether or not /* Postfix actually accepts those recipients. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions ($mynetworks)\fR" /* Clients that are excluded from connection count, connection rate, /* message rate or recipient rate restrictions. /* TARPIT CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* When a remote SMTP client makes errors, the Postfix SMTP server /* can insert delays before responding. This can help to slow down /* run-away software. The behavior is controlled by an error counter /* that counts the number of errors within an SMTP session that a /* client makes without delivering mail. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_error_sleep_time (1s)\fR" /* With Postfix 2.1 and later: the SMTP server response delay after /* a client has made more than $smtpd_soft_error_limit errors, and /* fewer than $smtpd_hard_error_limit errors, without delivering mail. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_soft_error_limit (10)\fR" /* The number of errors a remote SMTP client is allowed to make without /* delivering mail before the Postfix SMTP server slows down all its /* responses. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_hard_error_limit (20)\fR" /* The maximal number of errors a remote SMTP client is allowed to /* make without delivering mail. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_junk_command_limit (100)\fR" /* The number of junk commands (NOOP, VRFY, ETRN or RSET) that a remote /* SMTP client can send before the Postfix SMTP server starts to /* increment the error counter with each junk command. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_recipient_overshoot_limit (1000)\fR" /* The number of recipients that a remote SMTP client can send in /* excess of the limit specified with $smtpd_recipient_limit, before /* the Postfix SMTP server increments the per-session error count /* for each excess recipient. /* ACCESS POLICY DELEGATION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* As of version 2.1, Postfix can be configured to delegate access /* policy decisions to an external server that runs outside Postfix. /* See the file SMTPD_POLICY_README for more information. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_policy_service_max_idle (300s)\fR" /* The time after which an idle SMTPD policy service connection is /* closed. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_policy_service_max_ttl (1000s)\fR" /* The time after which an active SMTPD policy service connection is /* closed. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_policy_service_timeout (100s)\fR" /* The time limit for connecting to, writing to or receiving from a /* delegated SMTPD policy server. /* ACCESS CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* The SMTPD_ACCESS_README document gives an introduction to all the /* SMTP server access control features. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_delay_reject (yes)\fR" /* Wait until the RCPT TO command before evaluating /* $smtpd_client_restrictions, $smtpd_helo_restrictions and /* $smtpd_sender_restrictions, or wait until the ETRN command before /* evaluating $smtpd_client_restrictions and $smtpd_helo_restrictions. /* .IP "\fBparent_domain_matches_subdomains (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* What Postfix features match subdomains of "domain.tld" automatically, /* instead of requiring an explicit ".domain.tld" pattern. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_client_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional SMTP server access restrictions in the context of a client /* SMTP connection request. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_helo_required (no)\fR" /* Require that a remote SMTP client introduces itself at the beginning /* of an SMTP session with the HELO or EHLO command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_helo_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server applies in the /* context of the SMTP HELO command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_sender_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server applies in the /* context of the MAIL FROM command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_recipient_restrictions (permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination)\fR" /* The access restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server applies in /* the context of the RCPT TO command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_etrn_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional SMTP server access restrictions in the context of a client /* ETRN request. /* .IP "\fBallow_untrusted_routing (no)\fR" /* Forward mail with sender-specified routing (user[@%!]remote[@%!]site) /* from untrusted clients to destinations matching $relay_domains. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_restriction_classes (empty)\fR" /* User-defined aliases for groups of access restrictions. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_null_access_lookup_key (<>)\fR" /* The lookup key to be used in SMTP \fBaccess\fR(5) tables instead of the /* null sender address. /* .IP "\fBpermit_mx_backup_networks (empty)\fR" /* Restrict the use of the permit_mx_backup SMTP access feature to /* only domains whose primary MX hosts match the listed networks. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_data_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional access restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server applies /* in the context of the SMTP DATA command. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_expansion_filter (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* What characters are allowed in $name expansions of RBL reply /* templates. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_reject_unlisted_sender (no)\fR" /* Request that the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail from unknown /* sender addresses, even when no explicit reject_unlisted_sender /* access restriction is specified. /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient (yes)\fR" /* Request that the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail for unknown /* recipient addresses, even when no explicit reject_unlisted_recipient /* access restriction is specified. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_end_of_data_restrictions (empty)\fR" /* Optional access restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server /* applies in the context of the SMTP END-OF-DATA command. /* SENDER AND RECIPIENT ADDRESS VERIFICATION CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* Postfix version 2.1 introduces sender and recipient address verification. /* This feature is implemented by sending probe email messages that /* are not actually delivered. /* This feature is requested via the reject_unverified_sender and /* reject_unverified_recipient access restrictions. The status of /* verification probes is maintained by the \fBverify\fR(8) server. /* See the file ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README for information /* about how to configure and operate the Postfix sender/recipient /* address verification service. /* .IP "\fBaddress_verify_poll_count (3)\fR" /* How many times to query the \fBverify\fR(8) service for the completion /* of an address verification request in progress. /* .IP "\fBaddress_verify_poll_delay (3s)\fR" /* The delay between queries for the completion of an address /* verification request in progress. /* .IP "\fBaddress_verify_sender (postmaster)\fR" /* The sender address to use in address verification probes. /* .IP "\fBunverified_sender_reject_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a recipient /* address is rejected by the reject_unverified_sender restriction. /* .IP "\fBunverified_recipient_reject_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response when a recipient address /* is rejected by the reject_unverified_recipient restriction. /* ACCESS CONTROL RESPONSES /* .ad /* .fi /* The following parameters control numerical SMTP reply codes /* and/or text responses. /* .IP "\fBaccess_map_reject_code (554)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a client /* is rejected by an \fBaccess\fR(5) map restriction. /* .IP "\fBdefer_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a remote SMTP /* client request is rejected by the "defer" restriction. /* .IP "\fBinvalid_hostname_reject_code (501)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when the client /* HELO or EHLO command parameter is rejected by the reject_invalid_hostname /* restriction. /* .IP "\fBmaps_rbl_reject_code (554)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a remote SMTP /* client request is blocked by the reject_rbl_client, reject_rhsbl_client, /* reject_rhsbl_sender or reject_rhsbl_recipient restriction. /* .IP "\fBnon_fqdn_reject_code (504)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a client request /* is rejected by the reject_non_fqdn_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_sender /* or reject_non_fqdn_recipient restriction. /* .IP "\fBreject_code (554)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a remote SMTP /* client request is rejected by the "reject" restriction. /* .IP "\fBrelay_domains_reject_code (554)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a client /* request is rejected by the reject_unauth_destination recipient /* restriction. /* .IP "\fBunknown_address_reject_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a sender or /* recipient address is rejected by the reject_unknown_sender_domain /* or reject_unknown_recipient_domain restriction. /* .IP "\fBunknown_client_reject_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a client /* without valid address <=> name mapping is rejected by the /* reject_unknown_client restriction. /* .IP "\fBunknown_hostname_reject_code (450)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when the hostname /* specified with the HELO or EHLO command is rejected by the /* reject_unknown_hostname restriction. /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later: /* .IP "\fBdefault_rbl_reply (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The default SMTP server response template for a request that is /* rejected by an RBL-based restriction. /* .IP "\fBmulti_recipient_bounce_reject_code (550)\fR" /* The numerical Postfix SMTP server response code when a remote SMTP /* client request is blocked by the reject_multi_recipient_bounce /* restriction. /* .IP "\fBrbl_reply_maps (empty)\fR" /* Optional lookup tables with RBL response templates. /* MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS /* .ad /* .fi /* .IP "\fBconfig_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The default location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf /* configuration files. /* .IP "\fBdaemon_timeout (18000s)\fR" /* How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to handle a /* request before it is terminated by a built-in watchdog timer. /* .IP "\fBcommand_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The location of all postfix administrative commands. /* .IP "\fBdouble_bounce_sender (double-bounce)\fR" /* The sender address of postmaster notifications that are generated /* by the mail system. /* .IP "\fBipc_timeout (3600s)\fR" /* The time limit for sending or receiving information over an internal /* communication channel. /* .IP "\fBmail_name (Postfix)\fR" /* The mail system name that is displayed in Received: headers, in /* the SMTP greeting banner, and in bounced mail. /* .IP "\fBmail_owner (postfix)\fR" /* The UNIX system account that owns the Postfix queue and most Postfix /* daemon processes. /* .IP "\fBmax_idle (100s)\fR" /* The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix daemon process /* waits for the next service request before exiting. /* .IP "\fBmax_use (100)\fR" /* The maximal number of connection requests before a Postfix daemon /* process terminates. /* .IP "\fBmyhostname (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The internet hostname of this mail system. /* .IP "\fBmynetworks (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The list of "trusted" SMTP clients that have more privileges than /* "strangers". /* .IP "\fBmyorigin ($myhostname)\fR" /* The domain name that locally-posted mail appears to come /* from, and that locally posted mail is delivered to. /* .IP "\fBprocess_id (read-only)\fR" /* The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon process. /* .IP "\fBprocess_name (read-only)\fR" /* The process name of a Postfix command or daemon process. /* .IP "\fBqueue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory. /* .IP "\fBrecipient_delimiter (empty)\fR" /* The separator between user names and address extensions (user+foo). /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_banner ($myhostname ESMTP $mail_name)\fR" /* The text that follows the 220 status code in the SMTP greeting /* banner. /* .IP "\fBsyslog_facility (mail)\fR" /* The syslog facility of Postfix logging. /* .IP "\fBsyslog_name (postfix)\fR" /* The mail system name that is prepended to the process name in syslog /* records, so that "smtpd" becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd". /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later: /* .IP "\fBsmtpd_forbidden_commands (CONNECT, GET, POST)\fR" /* List of commands that causes the Postfix SMTP server to immediately /* terminate the session with a 221 code. /* SEE ALSO /* anvil(8), connection/rate limiting /* cleanup(8), message canonicalization /* tlsmgr(8), TLS session and PRNG management /* trivial-rewrite(8), address resolver /* verify(8), address verification service /* postconf(5), configuration parameters /* master(5), generic daemon options /* master(8), process manager /* syslogd(8), system logging /* README FILES /* .ad /* .fi /* Use "\fBpostconf readme_directory\fR" or /* "\fBpostconf html_directory\fR" to locate this information. /* .na /* .nf /* ADDRESS_CLASS_README, blocking unknown hosted or relay recipients /* ADDRESS_REWRITING_README Postfix address manipulation /* FILTER_README, external after-queue content filter /* LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README, blocking unknown local recipients /* SMTPD_ACCESS_README, built-in access policies /* SMTPD_POLICY_README, external policy server /* SMTPD_PROXY_README, external before-queue content filter /* SASL_README, Postfix SASL howto /* TLS_README, Postfix STARTTLS howto /* VERP_README, Postfix XVERP extension /* XCLIENT_README, Postfix XCLIENT extension /* XFORWARD_README, Postfix XFORWARD extension /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /* /* TLS support originally by: /* Lutz Jaenicke /* BTU Cottbus /* Allgemeine Elektrotechnik /* Universitaetsplatz 3-4 /* D-03044 Cottbus, Germany /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* remove() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* offsetof() */ #ifdef STRCASECMP_IN_STRINGS_H #include #endif /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ehlo filter */ #include /* ehlo filter */ #include /* Single-threaded server skeleton. */ #include /* Application-specific */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Tunable parameters. Make sure that there is some bound on the length of * an SMTP command, so that the mail system stays in control even when a * malicious client sends commands of unreasonable length (qmail-dos-1). * Make sure there is some bound on the number of recipients, so that the * mail system stays in control even when a malicious client sends an * unreasonable number of recipients (qmail-dos-2). */ int var_smtpd_rcpt_limit; int var_smtpd_tmout; int var_smtpd_soft_erlim; int var_smtpd_hard_erlim; int var_queue_minfree; /* XXX use off_t */ char *var_smtpd_banner; char *var_notify_classes; char *var_client_checks; char *var_helo_checks; char *var_mail_checks; char *var_rcpt_checks; char *var_etrn_checks; char *var_data_checks; char *var_eod_checks; int var_unk_client_code; int var_bad_name_code; int var_unk_name_code; int var_unk_addr_code; int var_relay_code; int var_maps_rbl_code; int var_access_map_code; char *var_maps_rbl_domains; char *var_rbl_reply_maps; int var_helo_required; int var_reject_code; int var_defer_code; int var_smtpd_err_sleep; int var_non_fqdn_code; char *var_error_rcpt; int var_smtpd_delay_reject; char *var_rest_classes; int var_strict_rfc821_env; bool var_disable_vrfy_cmd; char *var_canonical_maps; char *var_rcpt_canon_maps; char *var_virt_alias_maps; char *var_virt_mailbox_maps; char *var_alias_maps; char *var_local_rcpt_maps; bool var_allow_untrust_route; int var_smtpd_junk_cmd_limit; int var_smtpd_rcpt_overlim; bool var_smtpd_sasl_enable; char *var_smtpd_sasl_opts; char *var_smtpd_sasl_appname; char *var_smtpd_sasl_realm; char *var_smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks; char *var_filter_xport; bool var_broken_auth_clients; char *var_perm_mx_networks; char *var_smtpd_snd_auth_maps; char *var_smtpd_noop_cmds; char *var_smtpd_null_key; int var_smtpd_hist_thrsh; char *var_smtpd_exp_filter; char *var_def_rbl_reply; int var_unv_from_code; int var_unv_rcpt_code; int var_mul_rcpt_code; char *var_relay_rcpt_maps; char *var_verify_sender; int var_local_rcpt_code; int var_virt_alias_code; int var_virt_mailbox_code; int var_relay_rcpt_code; char *var_verp_clients; int var_show_unk_rcpt_table; int var_verify_poll_count; int var_verify_poll_delay; char *var_smtpd_proxy_filt; int var_smtpd_proxy_tmout; char *var_smtpd_proxy_ehlo; char *var_input_transp; int var_smtpd_policy_tmout; int var_smtpd_policy_idle; int var_smtpd_policy_ttl; char *var_xclient_hosts; char *var_xforward_hosts; bool var_smtpd_rej_unl_from; bool var_smtpd_rej_unl_rcpt; char *var_smtpd_forbid_cmds; int var_smtpd_crate_limit; int var_smtpd_cconn_limit; int var_smtpd_cmail_limit; int var_smtpd_crcpt_limit; char *var_smtpd_hoggers; char *var_local_rwr_clients; char *var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_words; char *var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_maps; bool var_smtpd_use_tls; bool var_smtpd_enforce_tls; bool var_smtpd_tls_wrappermode; #ifdef USE_TLS char *var_smtpd_relay_ccerts; int var_smtpd_starttls_tmout; bool var_smtpd_tls_auth_only; bool var_smtpd_tls_ask_ccert; bool var_smtpd_tls_req_ccert; int var_smtpd_tls_ccert_vd; bool var_smtpd_tls_received_header; char *var_smtpd_sasl_tls_opts; #endif /* * Silly little macros. */ #define STR(x) vstring_str(x) #define LEN(x) VSTRING_LEN(x) /* * EHLO keyword filter */ static MAPS *ehlo_discard_maps; /* * VERP command name. */ #define VERP_CMD "XVERP" #define VERP_CMD_LEN 5 static NAMADR_LIST *verp_clients; /* * XCLIENT command. Access control is cached, so that XCLIENT can't override * its own access control. */ static NAMADR_LIST *xclient_hosts; static int xclient_allowed; /* XXX should be SMTPD_STATE member */ /* * XFORWARD command. Access control is cached. */ static NAMADR_LIST *xforward_hosts; static int xforward_allowed; /* XXX should be SMTPD_STATE member */ /* * Client connection and rate limiting. */ ANVIL_CLNT *anvil_clnt; static NAMADR_LIST *hogger_list; /* * Other application-specific globals. */ int smtpd_input_transp_mask; /* * Forward declarations. */ static void helo_reset(SMTPD_STATE *); static void mail_reset(SMTPD_STATE *); static void rcpt_reset(SMTPD_STATE *); static void chat_reset(SMTPD_STATE *, int); /* * This filter is applied after printable(). */ #define NEUTER_CHARACTERS " <>()\\\";@" /* * Reasons for losing the client. */ #define REASON_TIMEOUT "timeout" #define REASON_LOST_CONNECTION "lost connection" #define REASON_ERROR_LIMIT "too many errors" #ifdef USE_TLS /* * TLS initialization status. */ static SSL_CTX *smtpd_tls_ctx; #endif #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH /* * SASL exceptions. */ static NAMADR_LIST *sasl_exceptions_networks; /* sasl_client_exception - can we offer AUTH for this client */ static int sasl_client_exception(SMTPD_STATE *state) { int match; /* * This is to work around a Netscape mail client bug where it tries to * use AUTH if available, even if user has not configured it. Returns * TRUE if AUTH should be offered in the EHLO. */ if (sasl_exceptions_networks == 0) return (0); match = namadr_list_match(sasl_exceptions_networks, state->name, state->addr); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("sasl_exceptions: %s[%s], match=%d", state->name, state->addr, match); return (match); } #endif /* collapse_args - put arguments together again */ static void collapse_args(int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { vstring_strcat(argv[0].vstrval, " "); vstring_strcat(argv[0].vstrval, argv[i].strval); } argv[0].strval = STR(argv[0].vstrval); } /* helo_cmd - process HELO command */ static int helo_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err; if (argc < 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: HELO hostname"); return (-1); } if (argc > 2) collapse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1); if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && var_smtpd_delay_reject == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_helo(state, argv[1].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } if (state->helo_name != 0) helo_reset(state); chat_reset(state, var_smtpd_hist_thrsh); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); state->helo_name = mystrdup(printable(argv[1].strval, '?')); neuter(state->helo_name, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); /* Downgrading the protocol name breaks the unauthorized pipelining test. */ if (strcasecmp(state->protocol, MAIL_PROTO_ESMTP) != 0 && strcasecmp(state->protocol, MAIL_PROTO_SMTP) != 0) { myfree(state->protocol); state->protocol = mystrdup(MAIL_PROTO_SMTP); } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 %s", var_myhostname); return (0); } /* ehlo_cmd - process EHLO command */ static int ehlo_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err; int discard_mask; const char *ehlo_words; VSTRING *reply_buf; /* * XXX 2821 new feature: Section 4.1.4 specifies that a server must clear * all buffers and reset the state exactly as if a RSET command had been * issued. */ if (argc < 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: EHLO hostname"); return (-1); } if (argc > 2) collapse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1); if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && var_smtpd_delay_reject == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_helo(state, argv[1].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } if (state->helo_name != 0) helo_reset(state); chat_reset(state, var_smtpd_hist_thrsh); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); state->helo_name = mystrdup(printable(argv[1].strval, '?')); neuter(state->helo_name, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); /* * XXX reject_unauth_pipelining depends on the following. If the user * sends EHLO then we announce PIPELINING and we can't accuse them of * using pipelining in places where it is allowed. * * XXX The reject_unauth_pipelining test needs to change and also account * for mechanisms that disable PIPELINING selectively. */ if (strcasecmp(state->protocol, MAIL_PROTO_ESMTP) != 0) { myfree(state->protocol); state->protocol = mystrdup(MAIL_PROTO_ESMTP); } /* * Determine what server EHLO keywords to suppress, typically to avoid * inter-operability problems. */ if (ehlo_discard_maps == 0 || (ehlo_words = maps_find(ehlo_discard_maps, state->addr, 0)) == 0) ehlo_words = var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_words; discard_mask = ehlo_mask(ehlo_words); if (discard_mask && !(discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_SILENT)) msg_info("discarding EHLO keywords: %s", str_ehlo_mask(discard_mask)); /* * Build the EHLO response, suppressing features as requested. We store * each output line in a one-element output queue, where it sits until we * know if we need to prepend "250-" or "250 " to it. Each time we * enqueue a reply line we flush the one that sits in the queue. We use a * couple ugly macros to avoid making mistakes in code that repeats a * lot. */ #define ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, cmd) \ do { \ smtpd_chat_reply((state), "250-%s", STR(reply_buf)); \ vstring_strcpy((reply_buf), (cmd)); \ } while (0) #define ENQUEUE_FMT_REPLY(state, reply_buf, fmt, arg) \ do { \ smtpd_chat_reply((state), "250-%s", STR(reply_buf)); \ vstring_sprintf((reply_buf), (fmt), (arg)); \ } while (0) reply_buf = vstring_alloc(10); vstring_strcpy(reply_buf, var_myhostname); if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_PIPELINING) == 0) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "PIPELINING"); if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_SIZE) == 0) { if (var_message_limit) ENQUEUE_FMT_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "SIZE %lu", (unsigned long) var_message_limit); /* XXX */ else ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "SIZE"); } if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_VRFY) == 0) if (var_disable_vrfy_cmd == 0) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "VRFY"); if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_ETRN) == 0) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "ETRN"); #ifdef USE_TLS if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_STARTTLS) == 0) if ((state->tls_use_tls || state->tls_enforce_tls) && (!state->tls_context)) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "STARTTLS"); #endif #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_AUTH) == 0) { if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable && !sasl_client_exception(state) #ifdef USE_TLS && (!state->tls_auth_only || state->tls_context) #endif ) { ENQUEUE_FMT_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "AUTH %s", state->sasl_mechanism_list); if (var_broken_auth_clients) ENQUEUE_FMT_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "AUTH=%s", state->sasl_mechanism_list); } } #endif if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_VERP) == 0) if (namadr_list_match(verp_clients, state->name, state->addr)) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, VERP_CMD); /* XCLIENT must not override its own access control. */ if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_XCLIENT) == 0) if (xclient_allowed) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, XCLIENT_CMD " " XCLIENT_NAME " " XCLIENT_ADDR " " XCLIENT_PROTO " " XCLIENT_HELO); if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_XFORWARD) == 0) if (xforward_allowed) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, XFORWARD_CMD " " XFORWARD_NAME " " XFORWARD_ADDR " " XFORWARD_PROTO " " XFORWARD_HELO " " XFORWARD_DOMAIN); if ((discard_mask & EHLO_MASK_8BITMIME) == 0) ENQUEUE_FIX_REPLY(state, reply_buf, "8BITMIME"); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 %s", STR(reply_buf)); /* * Clean up. */ vstring_free(reply_buf); return (0); } /* helo_reset - reset HELO/EHLO command stuff */ static void helo_reset(SMTPD_STATE *state) { if (state->helo_name) myfree(state->helo_name); state->helo_name = 0; } /* mail_open_stream - open mail queue file or IPC stream */ static void mail_open_stream(SMTPD_STATE *state) { char *postdrop_command; int cleanup_flags; /* * XXX 2821: An SMTP server is not allowed to "clean up" mail except in * the case of original submissions. Presently, Postfix always runs all * mail through the cleanup server. * * We could approximate the RFC as follows: Postfix rewrites mail if it * comes from a source that we are willing to relay for. This way, we * avoid rewriting most mail that comes from elsewhere. However, that * requires moving functionality away from the cleanup daemon elsewhere, * such as virtual address expansion, and header/body pattern matching. */ /* * If running from the master or from inetd, connect to the cleanup * service. */ cleanup_flags = input_transp_cleanup(CLEANUP_FLAG_MASK_EXTERNAL, smtpd_input_transp_mask); if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0) { state->dest = mail_stream_service(MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service); if (state->dest == 0 || attr_print(state->dest->stream, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, ATTR_TYPE_NUM, MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, cleanup_flags, ATTR_TYPE_END) != 0) msg_fatal("unable to connect to the %s %s service", MAIL_CLASS_PUBLIC, var_cleanup_service); } /* * Otherwise, pipe the message through the privileged postdrop helper. * XXX Make postdrop a manifest constant. */ else { postdrop_command = concatenate(var_command_dir, "/postdrop", msg_verbose ? " -v" : (char *) 0, (char *) 0); state->dest = mail_stream_command(postdrop_command); if (state->dest == 0) msg_fatal("unable to execute %s", postdrop_command); myfree(postdrop_command); } state->cleanup = state->dest->stream; state->queue_id = mystrdup(state->dest->id); /* * Record the time of arrival, the SASL-related stuff if applicable, the * sender envelope address, some session information, and some additional * attributes. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0) { rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_TIME, "%ld", (long) state->time); if (*var_filter_xport) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_FILT, "%s", var_filter_xport); rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_RWR_CONTEXT, FORWARD_DOMAIN(state)); #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable) { if (state->sasl_method) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_SASL_METHOD, state->sasl_method); if (state->sasl_username) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_SASL_USERNAME, state->sasl_username); if (state->sasl_sender) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_SASL_SENDER, state->sasl_sender); } #endif } rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_FROM, state->sender); if (state->encoding != 0) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_ENCODING, state->encoding); /* * Store the client attributes for logging purposes. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0) { if (IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_NAME(FORWARD_NAME(state))) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_CLIENT_NAME, FORWARD_NAME(state)); if (IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_ADDR(FORWARD_ADDR(state))) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_CLIENT_ADDR, FORWARD_ADDR(state)); if (IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_NAMADDR(FORWARD_NAMADDR(state))) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_ORIGIN, FORWARD_NAMADDR(state)); if (IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_HELO(FORWARD_HELO(state))) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_HELO_NAME, FORWARD_HELO(state)); if (IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_PROTO(FORWARD_PROTO(state))) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_ATTR, "%s=%s", MAIL_ATTR_PROTO_NAME, FORWARD_PROTO(state)); } if (state->verp_delims) rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_VERP, state->verp_delims); } /* extract_addr - extract address from rubble */ static char *extract_addr(SMTPD_STATE *state, SMTPD_TOKEN *arg, int allow_empty_addr, int strict_rfc821) { char *myname = "extract_addr"; TOK822 *tree; TOK822 *tp; TOK822 *addr = 0; int naddr; int non_addr; char *err = 0; char *junk = 0; char *text; char *colon; /* * Special case. */ #define PERMIT_EMPTY_ADDR 1 #define REJECT_EMPTY_ADDR 0 /* * Some mailers send RFC822-style address forms (with comments and such) * in SMTP envelopes. We cannot blame users for this: the blame is with * programmers violating the RFC, and with sendmail for being permissive. * * XXX The SMTP command tokenizer must leave the address in externalized * (quoted) form, so that the address parser can correctly extract the * address from surrounding junk. * * XXX We have only one address parser, written according to the rules of * RFC 822. That standard differs subtly from RFC 821. */ if (msg_verbose) msg_info("%s: input: %s", myname, STR(arg->vstrval)); if (STR(arg->vstrval)[0] == '<' && STR(arg->vstrval)[LEN(arg->vstrval) - 1] == '>') { junk = text = mystrndup(STR(arg->vstrval) + 1, LEN(arg->vstrval) - 2); } else text = STR(arg->vstrval); /* * Truncate deprecated route address form. */ if (*text == '@' && (colon = strchr(text, ':')) != 0) text = colon + 1; tree = tok822_parse(text); if (junk) myfree(junk); /* * Find trouble. */ for (naddr = non_addr = 0, tp = tree; tp != 0; tp = tp->next) { if (tp->type == TOK822_ADDR) { addr = tp; naddr += 1; /* count address forms */ } else if (tp->type == '<' || tp->type == '>') { /* void */ ; /* ignore brackets */ } else { non_addr += 1; /* count non-address forms */ } } /* * Report trouble. Log a warning only if we are going to sleep+reject so * that attackers can't flood our logfiles. */ if (naddr > 1 || (strict_rfc821 && (non_addr || *STR(arg->vstrval) != '<'))) { msg_warn("Illegal address syntax from %s in %s command: %s", state->namaddr, state->where, STR(arg->vstrval)); err = "501 Bad address syntax"; } /* * Overwrite the input with the extracted address. This seems bad design, * but we really are not going to use the original data anymore. What we * start with is quoted (external) form, and what we need is unquoted * (internal form). */ if (addr) tok822_internalize(arg->vstrval, addr->head, TOK822_STR_DEFL); else vstring_strcpy(arg->vstrval, ""); arg->strval = STR(arg->vstrval); /* * Report trouble. Log a warning only if we are going to sleep+reject so * that attackers can't flood our logfiles. */ if (err == 0) if ((arg->strval[0] == 0 && !allow_empty_addr) || (strict_rfc821 && arg->strval[0] == '@') || (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && smtpd_check_addr(STR(arg->vstrval)) != 0)) { msg_warn("Illegal address syntax from %s in %s command: %s", state->namaddr, state->where, STR(arg->vstrval)); err = "501 Bad address syntax"; } /* * Cleanup. */ tok822_free_tree(tree); if (msg_verbose) msg_info("%s: result: %s", myname, STR(arg->vstrval)); return (err); } /* mail_cmd - process MAIL command */ static int mail_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err; int narg; char *arg; char *verp_delims = 0; int rate; state->encoding = 0; /* * Sanity checks. * * XXX 2821 pedantism: Section 4.1.2 says that SMTP servers that receive a * command in which invalid character codes have been employed, and for * which there are no other reasons for rejection, MUST reject that * command with a 501 response. So much for the principle of "be liberal * in what you accept, be strict in what you send". */ if (var_helo_required && state->helo_name == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: send HELO/EHLO first"); return (-1); } #define IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state) ((state)->sender != 0) if (IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: nested MAIL command"); return (-1); } if (argc < 3 || strcasecmp(argv[1].strval, "from:") != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: MAIL FROM:
"); return (-1); } /* * XXX The client event count/rate control must be consistent in its use * of client address information in connect and disconnect events. For * now we exclude xclient authorized hosts from event count/rate control. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && !xclient_allowed && anvil_clnt && var_smtpd_cmail_limit > 0 && !namadr_list_match(hogger_list, state->name, state->addr) && anvil_clnt_mail(anvil_clnt, state->service, state->addr, &rate) == ANVIL_STAT_OK && rate > var_smtpd_cmail_limit) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: too much mail from %s", var_myhostname, state->addr); msg_warn("Message delivery request rate limit exceeded: %d from %s for service %s", rate, state->namaddr, state->service); return (-1); } if (argv[2].tokval == SMTPD_TOK_ERROR) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad sender address syntax"); return (-1); } if ((err = extract_addr(state, argv + 2, PERMIT_EMPTY_ADDR, var_strict_rfc821_env)) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } for (narg = 3; narg < argc; narg++) { arg = argv[narg].strval; if (strcasecmp(arg, "BODY=8BITMIME") == 0) { /* RFC 1652 */ state->encoding = MAIL_ATTR_ENC_8BIT; } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "BODY=7BIT") == 0) { /* RFC 1652 */ state->encoding = MAIL_ATTR_ENC_7BIT; } else if (strncasecmp(arg, "SIZE=", 5) == 0) { /* RFC 1870 */ /* Reject non-numeric size. */ if (!alldig(arg + 5)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad message size syntax"); return (-1); } /* Reject size overflow. */ if ((state->msg_size = off_cvt_string(arg + 5)) < 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "552 Message size exceeds file system imposed limit"); state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; return (-1); } #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH } else if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable && strncasecmp(arg, "AUTH=", 5) == 0) { if ((err = smtpd_sasl_mail_opt(state, arg + 5)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } #endif } else if (namadr_list_match(verp_clients, state->name, state->addr) && strncasecmp(arg, VERP_CMD, VERP_CMD_LEN) == 0 && (arg[VERP_CMD_LEN] == '=' || arg[VERP_CMD_LEN] == 0)) { if (arg[VERP_CMD_LEN] == 0) { verp_delims = var_verp_delims; } else { verp_delims = arg + VERP_CMD_LEN + 1; if (verp_delims_verify(verp_delims) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Error: %s needs two characters from %s", VERP_CMD, var_verp_filter); return (-1); } } } else { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "555 Unsupported option: %s", arg); return (-1); } } if (verp_delims && argv[2].strval[0] == 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: %s requires non-null sender", VERP_CMD); return (-1); } if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && var_smtpd_delay_reject == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_mail(state, argv[2].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); /* XXX Reset access map side effects. */ mail_reset(state); return (-1); } /* * Check the queue file space, if applicable. */ if (!USE_SMTPD_PROXY(state)) { if ((err = smtpd_check_size(state, state->msg_size)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } } /* * No more early returns. The mail transaction is in progress. */ state->time = time((time_t *) 0); state->sender = mystrdup(argv[2].strval); vstring_sprintf(state->instance, "%x.%lx.%x", var_pid, (unsigned long) state->time, state->seqno++); if (verp_delims) state->verp_delims = mystrdup(verp_delims); if (USE_SMTPD_PROXY(state)) state->proxy_mail = mystrdup(STR(state->buffer)); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* mail_reset - reset MAIL command stuff */ static void mail_reset(SMTPD_STATE *state) { state->msg_size = 0; state->act_size = 0; /* * Unceremoniously close the pipe to the cleanup service. The cleanup * service will delete the queue file when it detects a premature * end-of-file condition on input. */ if (state->cleanup != 0) { mail_stream_cleanup(state->dest); state->dest = 0; state->cleanup = 0; } state->err = 0; if (state->queue_id != 0) { myfree(state->queue_id); state->queue_id = 0; } if (state->sender) { myfree(state->sender); state->sender = 0; } if (state->verp_delims) { myfree(state->verp_delims); state->verp_delims = 0; } if (state->proxy_mail) { myfree(state->proxy_mail); state->proxy_mail = 0; } if (state->saved_filter) { myfree(state->saved_filter); state->saved_filter = 0; } if (state->saved_redirect) { myfree(state->saved_redirect); state->saved_redirect = 0; } state->saved_flags = 0; #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable) smtpd_sasl_mail_reset(state); #endif state->discard = 0; VSTRING_RESET(state->instance); VSTRING_TERMINATE(state->instance); /* * Try to be nice. Don't bother when we lost the connection. Don't bother * waiting for a reply, it just increases latency. */ if (state->proxy) { (void) smtpd_proxy_cmd(state, SMTPD_PROX_WANT_NONE, "QUIT"); smtpd_proxy_close(state); } if (state->xforward.flags) smtpd_xforward_reset(state); if (state->prepend) state->prepend = argv_free(state->prepend); } /* rcpt_cmd - process RCPT TO command */ static int rcpt_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err; int narg; char *arg; int rate; /* * Sanity checks. * * XXX 2821 pedantism: Section 4.1.2 says that SMTP servers that receive a * command in which invalid character codes have been employed, and for * which there are no other reasons for rejection, MUST reject that * command with a 501 response. So much for the principle of "be liberal * in what you accept, be strict in what you send". */ if (!IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: need MAIL command"); return (-1); } if (argc < 3 || strcasecmp(argv[1].strval, "to:") != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: RCPT TO:
"); return (-1); } /* * XXX The client event count/rate control must be consistent in its use * of client address information in connect and disconnect events. For * now we exclude xclient authorized hosts from event count/rate control. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && !xclient_allowed && anvil_clnt && var_smtpd_crcpt_limit > 0 && !namadr_list_match(hogger_list, state->name, state->addr) && anvil_clnt_rcpt(anvil_clnt, state->service, state->addr, &rate) == ANVIL_STAT_OK && rate > var_smtpd_crcpt_limit) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: too many recipients from %s", var_myhostname, state->addr); msg_warn("Recipient address rate limit exceeded: %d from %s for service %s", rate, state->namaddr, state->service); return (-1); } if (argv[2].tokval == SMTPD_TOK_ERROR) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad recipient address syntax"); return (-1); } if ((err = extract_addr(state, argv + 2, REJECT_EMPTY_ADDR, var_strict_rfc821_env)) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } for (narg = 3; narg < argc; narg++) { arg = argv[narg].strval; if (1) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "555 Unsupported option: %s", arg); return (-1); } } if (var_smtpd_rcpt_limit && state->rcpt_count >= var_smtpd_rcpt_limit) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "452 Error: too many recipients"); if (state->rcpt_overshoot++ < var_smtpd_rcpt_overlim) return (0); state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; return (-1); } if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0) { if ((err = smtpd_check_rcpt(state, argv[2].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } } /* * Don't access the proxy, queue file, or queue file writer process until * we have a valid recipient address. */ if (state->proxy == 0 && state->cleanup == 0) { if (!SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state)) smtpd_check_rewrite(state); if (state->proxy_mail) { if (smtpd_proxy_open(state, var_smtpd_proxy_filt, var_smtpd_proxy_tmout, var_smtpd_proxy_ehlo, state->proxy_mail) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); return (-1); } } else { mail_open_stream(state); } /* * Log the queue ID with the message origin. */ #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable) smtpd_sasl_mail_log(state); else #endif msg_info("%s: client=%s", state->queue_id ? state->queue_id : "NOQUEUE", FORWARD_NAMADDR(state)); } /* * Proxy the recipient. OK, so we lied. If the real-time proxy rejects * the recipient then we can have a proxy connection without having * accepted a recipient. */ if (state->proxy && smtpd_proxy_cmd(state, SMTPD_PROX_WANT_OK, "%s", STR(state->buffer)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); return (-1); } /* * Store the recipient. Remember the first one. * * Flush recipients to maintain a stiffer coupling with the next stage and * to better utilize parallelism. */ state->rcpt_count++; if (state->recipient == 0) state->recipient = mystrdup(argv[2].strval); if (state->cleanup) { rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_RCPT, argv[2].strval); vstream_fflush(state->cleanup); } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* rcpt_reset - reset RCPT stuff */ static void rcpt_reset(SMTPD_STATE *state) { if (state->recipient) { myfree(state->recipient); state->recipient = 0; } state->rcpt_count = 0; /* XXX Must flush the command history. */ state->rcpt_overshoot = 0; } #ifdef USE_TLS /* CN_sanitize - make sure, the CN-string is well behaved */ static void CN_sanitize(VSTRING *CNstring) { unsigned char *cp; int ch; int pc; /* * Postfix Received: headers can be configured to include a comment with * the CN (CommonName) of the peer and its issuer. To avoid problems with * RFC 822 etc. syntax, we limit the CN information to printable ASCII * text, and neutralize characters that affect comment parsing: the * backslash and unbalanced parentheses. */ for (pc = 0, cp = (unsigned char *) STR(CNstring); (ch = *cp) != 0; cp++) { if (!ISASCII(ch) || !ISPRINT(ch) || ch == '\\') { *cp = '?'; } else if (ch == '(') { pc++; } else if (ch == ')') { if (pc > 0) pc--; else *cp = '?'; } } while (pc-- > 0) VSTRING_ADDCH(CNstring, ')'); } #endif /* data_cmd - process DATA command */ static int data_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *unused_argv) { char *err; char *start; int len; int curr_rec_type; int prev_rec_type; int first = 1; VSTRING *why = 0; int saved_err; int (*out_record) (VSTREAM *, int, const char *, int); int (*out_fprintf) (VSTREAM *, int, const char *,...); VSTREAM *out_stream; int out_error; char **cpp; #ifdef USE_TLS VSTRING *peer_CN; VSTRING *issuer_CN; #endif /* * Sanity checks. With ESMTP command pipelining the client can send DATA * before all recipients are rejected, so don't report that as a protocol * error. */ if (state->rcpt_count == 0) { if (!IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: need RCPT command"); } else { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "554 Error: no valid recipients"); } return (-1); } if (argc != 1) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: DATA"); return (-1); } if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_data(state)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } if (state->proxy && smtpd_proxy_cmd(state, SMTPD_PROX_WANT_MORE, "%s", STR(state->buffer)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); return (-1); } /* * One level of indirection to choose between normal or proxied * operation. We want to avoid massive code duplication within tons of * if-else clauses. */ if (state->proxy) { out_stream = state->proxy; out_record = smtpd_proxy_rec_put; out_fprintf = smtpd_proxy_rec_fprintf; out_error = CLEANUP_STAT_PROXY; } else { out_stream = state->cleanup; out_record = rec_put; out_fprintf = rec_fprintf; out_error = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; } /* * Flush out any access table actions that are delegated to the cleanup * server, and that may trigger before we accept the first valid * recipient. * * Terminate the message envelope segment. Start the message content * segment, and prepend our own Received: header. If there is only one * recipient, list the recipient address. */ if (state->cleanup) { if (state->saved_filter) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_FILT, "%s", state->saved_filter); if (state->saved_redirect) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_RDR, "%s", state->saved_redirect); if (state->saved_flags) rec_fprintf(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_FLGS, "%d", state->saved_flags); rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_MESG, ""); } /* * PREPEND message headers. */ if (state->prepend) for (cpp = state->prepend->argv; *cpp; cpp++) out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "%s", *cpp); /* * Suppress our own Received: header in the unlikely case that we are an * intermediate proxy. */ if (!state->proxy || state->xforward.flags == 0) { out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "Received: from %s (%s [%s])", state->helo_name ? state->helo_name : state->name, state->name, state->rfc_addr); #ifdef USE_TLS if (var_smtpd_tls_received_header && state->tls_context) { out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(using %s with cipher %s (%d/%d bits))", state->tls_info.protocol, state->tls_info.cipher_name, state->tls_info.cipher_usebits, state->tls_info.cipher_algbits); #define VSTRING_STRDUP(s) vstring_strcpy(vstring_alloc(strlen(s) + 1), (s)) if (state->tls_info.peer_CN) { peer_CN = VSTRING_STRDUP(state->tls_info.peer_CN); CN_sanitize(peer_CN); issuer_CN = VSTRING_STRDUP(state->tls_info.issuer_CN); CN_sanitize(issuer_CN); if (state->tls_info.peer_verified) out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(Client CN \"%s\", Issuer \"%s\" (verified OK))", STR(peer_CN), STR(issuer_CN)); else out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(Client CN \"%s\", Issuer \"%s\" (not verified))", STR(peer_CN), STR(issuer_CN)); vstring_free(issuer_CN); vstring_free(peer_CN); } else if (var_smtpd_tls_ask_ccert) out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(Client did not present a certificate)"); else out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(No client certificate requested)"); } #endif if (state->rcpt_count == 1 && state->recipient) { out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, state->cleanup ? "\tby %s (%s) with %s id %s" : "\tby %s (%s) with %s", var_myhostname, var_mail_name, state->protocol, state->queue_id); quote_822_local(state->buffer, state->recipient); out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\tfor <%s>; %s", STR(state->buffer), mail_date(state->time)); } else { out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, state->cleanup ? "\tby %s (%s) with %s id %s;" : "\tby %s (%s) with %s;", var_myhostname, var_mail_name, state->protocol, state->queue_id); out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t%s", mail_date(state->time)); } #ifdef RECEIVED_ENVELOPE_FROM quote_822_local(state->buffer, state->sender); out_fprintf(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "\t(envelope-from %s)", STR(state->buffer)); #endif } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "354 End data with ."); /* * Copy the message content. If the cleanup process has a problem, keep * reading until the remote stops sending, then complain. Produce typed * records from the SMTP stream so we can handle data that spans buffers. * * XXX Force an empty record when the queue file content begins with * whitespace, so that it won't be considered as being part of our own * Received: header. What an ugly Kluge. * * XXX Deal with UNIX-style From_ lines at the start of message content * because sendmail permits it. */ for (prev_rec_type = 0; /* void */ ; prev_rec_type = curr_rec_type) { if (smtp_get(state->buffer, state->client, var_line_limit) == '\n') curr_rec_type = REC_TYPE_NORM; else curr_rec_type = REC_TYPE_CONT; start = vstring_str(state->buffer); len = VSTRING_LEN(state->buffer); if (first) { if (strncmp(start + strspn(start, ">"), "From ", 5) == 0) { out_fprintf(out_stream, curr_rec_type, "X-Mailbox-Line: %s", start); continue; } first = 0; if (len > 0 && IS_SPACE_TAB(start[0])) out_record(out_stream, REC_TYPE_NORM, "", 0); } if (prev_rec_type != REC_TYPE_CONT && *start == '.' && (state->proxy == 0 ? (++start, --len) == 0 : len == 1)) break; state->act_size += len + 2; if (state->err == CLEANUP_STAT_OK && out_record(out_stream, curr_rec_type, start, len) < 0) state->err = out_error; } state->where = SMTPD_AFTER_DOT; if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_eod(state)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); if (state->proxy) { smtpd_proxy_close(state); } else { mail_stream_cleanup(state->dest); state->dest = 0; state->cleanup = 0; } return (-1); } /* * Send the end of DATA and finish the proxy connection. Set the * CLEANUP_STAT_PROXY error flag in case of trouble. * * XXX The low-level proxy output routines should set "state" error * attributes. This requires making "state" a context attribute of the * VSTREAM. */ if (state->proxy) { if (state->err == CLEANUP_STAT_OK) { (void) smtpd_proxy_cmd(state, SMTPD_PROX_WANT_ANY, "."); if (state->err == CLEANUP_STAT_OK && *STR(state->proxy_buffer) != '2') state->err = CLEANUP_STAT_CONT; } else { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_SOFTWARE; state->err |= CLEANUP_STAT_PROXY; vstring_sprintf(state->proxy_buffer, "451 Error: queue file write error"); } } /* * Send the end-of-segment markers and finish the queue file record * stream. */ else { if (state->err == CLEANUP_STAT_OK) if (rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_XTRA, "") < 0 || rec_fputs(state->cleanup, REC_TYPE_END, "") < 0 || vstream_fflush(state->cleanup)) state->err = CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE; if (state->err == 0) { why = vstring_alloc(10); state->err = mail_stream_finish(state->dest, why); } else mail_stream_cleanup(state->dest); state->dest = 0; state->cleanup = 0; } /* * Handle any errors. One message may suffer from multiple errors, so * complain only about the most severe error. Forgive any previous client * errors when a message was received successfully. * * See also: qmqpd.c */ if (state->err == CLEANUP_STAT_OK) { state->error_count = 0; state->error_mask = 0; state->junk_cmds = 0; if (state->queue_id) smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok: queued as %s", state->queue_id); else smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_BAD) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_SOFTWARE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "451 Error: internal error %d", state->err); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_SIZE) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_BOUNCE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "552 Error: message too large"); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_HOPS) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_BOUNCE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "554 Error: too many hops"); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_CONT) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; if (state->proxy_buffer) smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); else smtpd_chat_reply(state, "550 Error: %s", LEN(why) ? STR(why) : "content rejected"); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_WRITE) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_RESOURCE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "451 Error: queue file write error"); } else if ((state->err & CLEANUP_STAT_PROXY) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_SOFTWARE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", STR(state->proxy_buffer)); } else { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_SOFTWARE; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "451 Error: internal error %d", state->err); } /* * Cleanup. The client may send another MAIL command. */ saved_err = state->err; chat_reset(state, var_smtpd_hist_thrsh); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); if (why) vstring_free(why); return (saved_err); } /* rset_cmd - process RSET */ static int rset_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *unused_argv) { /* * Sanity checks. */ if (argc != 1) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: RSET"); return (-1); } /* * Restore state to right after HELO/EHLO command. */ chat_reset(state, var_smtpd_hist_thrsh); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* noop_cmd - process NOOP */ static int noop_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *unused_argv) { /* * XXX 2821 incompatibility: Section says that NOOP can have a * parameter string which is to be ignored. NOOP instructions with * parameters? Go figure. * * RFC 2821 violates RFC 821, which says that NOOP takes no parameters. */ #ifdef RFC821_SYNTAX /* * Sanity checks. */ if (argc != 1) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: NOOP"); return (-1); } #endif smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* vrfy_cmd - process VRFY */ static int vrfy_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err = 0; /* * The SMTP standard (RFC 821) disallows unquoted special characters in * the VRFY argument. Common practice violates the standard, however. * Postfix accomodates common practice where it violates the standard. * * XXX Impedance mismatch! The SMTP command tokenizer preserves quoting, * whereas the recipient restrictions checks expect unquoted (internal) * address forms. Therefore we must parse out the address, or we must * stop doing recipient restriction checks and lose the opportunity to * say "user unknown" at the SMTP port. * * XXX 2821 incompatibility and brain damage: Section 4.5.1 requires that * VRFY is implemented. RFC 821 specifies that VRFY is optional. It gets * even worse: section 3.5.3 says that a 502 (command recognized but not * implemented) reply is not fully compliant. * * Thus, an RFC 2821 compliant implementation cannot refuse to supply * information in reply to VRFY queries. That is simply bogus. The only * reply we could supply is a generic 252 reply. This causes spammers to * add tons of bogus addresses to their mailing lists (spam harvesting by * trying out large lists of potential recipient names with VRFY). */ #define SLOPPY 0 if (var_disable_vrfy_cmd) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "502 VRFY command is disabled"); return (-1); } if (argc < 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: VRFY address"); return (-1); } if (argc > 2) collapse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1); if ((err = extract_addr(state, argv + 1, REJECT_EMPTY_ADDR, SLOPPY)) != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && (err = smtpd_check_rcpt(state, argv[1].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } /* * XXX 2821 new feature: Section 3.5.1 requires that the VRFY response is * either "full name " or "user@domain". Postfix replies * with the address that was provided by the client, whether or not it is * in fully qualified domain form or not. * * Reply code 250 is reserved for the case where the address is verified; * reply code 252 should be used when no definitive certainty exists. */ smtpd_chat_reply(state, "252 %s", argv[1].strval); return (0); } /* etrn_cmd - process ETRN command */ static int etrn_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { char *err; /* * Sanity checks. */ if (var_helo_required && state->helo_name == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: send HELO/EHLO first"); return (-1); } if (IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: MAIL transaction in progress"); return (-1); } if (argc != 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "500 Syntax: ETRN domain"); return (-1); } if (argv[1].strval[0] == '@' || argv[1].strval[0] == '#') argv[1].strval++; /* * As an extension to RFC 1985 we also allow an RFC 2821 address literal * enclosed in []. */ if (!valid_hostname(argv[1].strval, DONT_GRIPE) && !valid_mailhost_literal(argv[1].strval, DONT_GRIPE)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Error: invalid parameter syntax"); return (-1); } /* * XXX The implementation borrows heavily from the code that implements * UCE restrictions. These typically return 450 or 550 when a request is * rejected. RFC 1985 requires that 459 be sent when the server refuses * to perform the request. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state)) { msg_warn("do not use ETRN in \"sendmail -bs\" mode"); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "458 Unable to queue messages"); return (-1); } if ((err = smtpd_check_etrn(state, argv[1].strval)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", err); return (-1); } switch (flush_send(argv[1].strval)) { case FLUSH_STAT_OK: smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Queuing started"); return (0); case FLUSH_STAT_DENY: msg_warn("reject: ETRN %.100s... from %s", argv[1].strval, state->namaddr); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "459 <%s>: service unavailable", argv[1].strval); return (-1); case FLUSH_STAT_BAD: msg_warn("bad ETRN %.100s... from %s", argv[1].strval, state->namaddr); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "458 Unable to queue messages"); return (-1); default: msg_warn("unable to talk to fast flush service"); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "458 Unable to queue messages"); return (-1); } } /* quit_cmd - process QUIT command */ static int quit_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int unused_argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *unused_argv) { /* * Don't bother checking the syntax. */ smtpd_chat_reply(state, "221 Bye"); /* * When the "." and quit replies are pipelined, make sure they are * flushed now, to avoid repeated mail deliveries in case of a crash in * the "clean up before disconnect" code. */ vstream_fflush(state->client); return (0); } /* xclient_cmd - override SMTP client attributes */ static int xclient_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { SMTPD_TOKEN *argp; char *attr_value; const char *bare_value; char *attr_name; int update_namaddr = 0; int peer_code; static NAME_CODE peer_codes[] = { XCLIENT_UNAVAILABLE, SMTPD_PEER_CODE_PERM, XCLIENT_TEMPORARY, SMTPD_PEER_CODE_TEMP, 0, SMTPD_PEER_CODE_OK, }; static NAME_CODE proto_names[] = { MAIL_PROTO_SMTP, 1, MAIL_PROTO_ESMTP, 2, 0, -1, }; /* * Sanity checks. The XCLIENT command does not override its own access * control. */ if (IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: MAIL transaction in progress"); return (-1); } if (argc < 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: %s attribute=value...", XCLIENT_CMD); return (-1); } if (!xclient_allowed) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "554 Error: insufficient authorization"); return (-1); } #define STREQ(x,y) (strcasecmp((x), (y)) == 0) #define UPDATE_STR(s, v) do { \ if (s) myfree(s); \ s = (v) ? mystrdup(v) : 0; \ } while(0) /* * Iterate over all attribute=value elements. */ for (argp = argv + 1; argp < argv + argc; argp++) { attr_name = argp->strval; /* * For safety's sake mask non-printable characters. We'll do more * specific censoring later. */ if ((attr_value = split_at(attr_name, '=')) == 0 || *attr_value == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Error: attribute=value expected"); return (-1); } printable(attr_value, '?'); /* * NAME=substitute SMTP client hostname. Also updates the client * hostname lookup status code. */ if (STREQ(attr_name, XCLIENT_NAME)) { peer_code = name_code(peer_codes, NAME_CODE_FLAG_NONE, attr_value); if (peer_code != SMTPD_PEER_CODE_OK) { attr_value = CLIENT_NAME_UNKNOWN; } else { if (!valid_hostname(attr_value, DONT_GRIPE)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XCLIENT_NAME, attr_value); return (-1); } } state->peer_code = peer_code; UPDATE_STR(state->name, attr_value); update_namaddr = 1; } /* * ADDR=substitute SMTP client network address. */ else if (STREQ(attr_name, XCLIENT_ADDR)) { if (STREQ(attr_value, XCLIENT_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_ADDR_UNKNOWN; bare_value = attr_value; } else { if ((bare_value = valid_mailhost_addr(attr_value, DONT_GRIPE)) == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XCLIENT_ADDR, attr_value); return (-1); } } UPDATE_STR(state->addr, bare_value); UPDATE_STR(state->rfc_addr, attr_value); update_namaddr = 1; } /* * HELO=substitute SMTP client HELO parameter. Censor special * characters that could mess up message headers. */ else if (STREQ(attr_name, XCLIENT_HELO)) { if (STREQ(attr_value, XCLIENT_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_HELO_UNKNOWN; } else { if (strlen(attr_value) > VALID_HOSTNAME_LEN) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XCLIENT_HELO, attr_value); return (-1); } neuter(attr_value, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); } UPDATE_STR(state->helo_name, attr_value); } /* * PROTO=SMTP protocol name. */ else if (STREQ(attr_name, XCLIENT_PROTO)) { if (name_code(proto_names, NAME_CODE_FLAG_NONE, attr_value) < 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XCLIENT_PROTO, attr_value); return (-1); } UPDATE_STR(state->protocol, uppercase(attr_value)); } /* * Unknown attribute name. Complain. */ else { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s attribute name: %s", XCLIENT_CMD, attr_name); return (-1); } } /* * Update the combined name and address when either has changed. */ if (update_namaddr) { if (state->namaddr) myfree(state->namaddr); state->namaddr = concatenate(state->name, "[", state->addr, "]", (char *) 0); } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* xforward_cmd - forward logging attributes */ static int xforward_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *argv) { SMTPD_TOKEN *argp; char *attr_value; const char *bare_value; char *attr_name; int updated = 0; static NAME_CODE xforward_flags[] = { XFORWARD_NAME, SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_NAME, XFORWARD_ADDR, SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_ADDR, XFORWARD_PROTO, SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_PROTO, XFORWARD_HELO, SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_HELO, XFORWARD_DOMAIN, SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_DOMAIN, 0, 0, }; static char *context_name[] = { MAIL_ATTR_RWR_LOCAL, /* Postfix internal form */ MAIL_ATTR_RWR_REMOTE, /* Postfix internal form */ }; static NAME_CODE xforward_to_context[] = { XFORWARD_DOM_LOCAL, 0, /* XFORWARD representation */ XFORWARD_DOM_REMOTE, 1, /* XFORWARD representation */ 0, -1, }; int flag; int context_code; /* * Sanity checks. */ if (IN_MAIL_TRANSACTION(state)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: MAIL transaction in progress"); return (-1); } if (argc < 2) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: %s attribute=value...", XFORWARD_CMD); return (-1); } if (!xforward_allowed) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_POLICY; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "554 Error: insufficient authorization"); return (-1); } /* * Initialize. */ if (state->xforward.flags == 0) smtpd_xforward_preset(state); /* * Iterate over all attribute=value elements. */ for (argp = argv + 1; argp < argv + argc; argp++) { attr_name = argp->strval; /* * For safety's sake mask non-printable characters. We'll do more * specific censoring later. */ if ((attr_value = split_at(attr_name, '=')) == 0 || *attr_value == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Error: attribute=value expected"); return (-1); } if (strlen(attr_value) > 255) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Error: attribute value too long"); return (-1); } printable(attr_value, '?'); flag = name_code(xforward_flags, NAME_CODE_FLAG_NONE, attr_name); switch (flag) { /* * NAME=up-stream host name, not necessarily in the DNS. Censor * special characters that could mess up message headers. */ case SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_NAME: if (STREQ(attr_value, XFORWARD_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_NAME_UNKNOWN; } else { neuter(attr_value, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); if (!valid_hostname(attr_value, DONT_GRIPE)) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XFORWARD_NAME, attr_value); return (-1); } } UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.name, attr_value); break; /* * ADDR=up-stream host network address, not necessarily on the * Internet. Censor special characters that could mess up message * headers. */ case SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_ADDR: if (STREQ(attr_value, XFORWARD_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_ADDR_UNKNOWN; bare_value = attr_value; } else { neuter(attr_value, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); if ((bare_value = valid_mailhost_addr(attr_value, DONT_GRIPE)) == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XFORWARD_ADDR, attr_value); return (-1); } } UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.addr, bare_value); UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.rfc_addr, attr_value); break; /* * HELO=hostname that the up-stream MTA introduced itself with * (not necessarily SMTP HELO). Censor special characters that * could mess up message headers. */ case SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_HELO: if (STREQ(attr_value, XFORWARD_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_HELO_UNKNOWN; } else { neuter(attr_value, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); } UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.helo_name, attr_value); break; /* * PROTO=up-stream protocol, not necessarily SMTP or ESMTP. * Censor special characters that could mess up message headers. */ case SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_PROTO: if (STREQ(attr_value, XFORWARD_UNAVAILABLE)) { attr_value = CLIENT_PROTO_UNKNOWN; } else { if (strlen(attr_value) > 64) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XFORWARD_PROTO, attr_value); return (-1); } neuter(attr_value, NEUTER_CHARACTERS, '?'); } UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.protocol, attr_value); break; /* * DOMAIN=local or remote. */ case SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_DOMAIN: if (STREQ(attr_value, XFORWARD_UNAVAILABLE)) attr_value = XFORWARD_DOM_LOCAL; if ((context_code = name_code(xforward_to_context, NAME_CODE_FLAG_NONE, attr_value)) < 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s syntax: %s", XFORWARD_DOMAIN, attr_value); return (-1); } UPDATE_STR(state->xforward.domain, context_name[context_code]); break; /* * Unknown attribute name. Complain. */ default: state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Bad %s attribute name: %s", XFORWARD_CMD, attr_name); return (-1); } updated |= flag; } state->xforward.flags |= updated; /* * Update the combined name and address when either has changed. Use only * the name when no address is available. */ if (updated & (SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_NAME | SMTPD_STATE_XFORWARD_ADDR)) { if (state->xforward.namaddr) myfree(state->xforward.namaddr); state->xforward.namaddr = IS_AVAIL_CLIENT_ADDR(state->xforward.addr) ? concatenate(state->xforward.name, "[", state->xforward.addr, "]", (char *) 0) : mystrdup(state->xforward.name); } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); return (0); } /* chat_reset - notify postmaster and reset conversation log */ static void chat_reset(SMTPD_STATE *state, int threshold) { /* * Notify the postmaster if there were errors. This usually indicates a * client configuration problem, or that someone is trying nasty things. * Either is significant enough to bother the postmaster. XXX Can't * report problems when running in stand-alone mode: postmaster notices * require availability of the cleanup service. */ if (state->history != 0 && state->history->argc > threshold) { if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && (state->error_mask & state->notify_mask)) smtpd_chat_notify(state); state->error_mask = 0; smtpd_chat_reset(state); } } #ifdef USE_TLS /* smtpd_start_tls -turn on TLS or force disconnect */ static void smtpd_start_tls(SMTPD_STATE *state) { /* * Wrapper mode uses a dedicated port and always requires TLS. * * XXX In non-wrapper mode, it is possible to require client certificate * verification without requiring TLS. Since certificates can be verified * only while TLS is turned on, this means that Postfix will happily * perform SMTP transactions when the client does not use the STARTTLS * command. For this reason, Postfix does not require client certificate * verification unless TLS is required. */ state->tls_context = tls_server_start(smtpd_tls_ctx, state->client, var_smtpd_starttls_tmout, state->name, state->addr, &(state->tls_info), (var_smtpd_tls_req_ccert && state->tls_enforce_tls)); /* * When the TLS handshake fails, the conversation is in an unknown state. * There is nothing we can do except to disconnect from the client. */ if (state->tls_context == 0) vstream_longjmp(state->client, SMTP_ERR_EOF); /* * When TLS is turned on, we may offer AUTH methods that would not be * offered within a plain-text session. */ #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable && strcmp(var_smtpd_sasl_tls_opts, var_smtpd_sasl_opts) != 0) { smtpd_sasl_auth_reset(state); smtpd_sasl_disconnect(state); smtpd_sasl_connect(state, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_TLS_OPTS, var_smtpd_sasl_tls_opts); } #endif } /* starttls_cmd - respond to STARTTLS */ static int starttls_cmd(SMTPD_STATE *state, int argc, SMTPD_TOKEN *unused_argv) { if (argc != 1) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "501 Syntax: STARTTLS"); return (-1); } if (state->tls_context != 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "554 Error: TLS already active"); return (-1); } if (state->tls_use_tls == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "502 Error: command not implemented"); return (-1); } if (smtpd_tls_ctx == 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "454 TLS not available due to local problem"); return (-1); } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "220 Ready to start TLS"); smtp_flush(state->client); /* * Reset all inputs to the initial state. * * XXX RFC 2487 does not forbid the use of STARTTLS while mail transfer is * in progress, so we have to allow it even when it makes no sense. */ helo_reset(state); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); /* * Turn on TLS, using code that is shared with TLS wrapper mode. This * code does not return when the handshake fails. */ smtpd_start_tls(state); return (0); } /* tls_reset - undo STARTTLS */ static void tls_reset(SMTPD_STATE *state) { int failure = 0; /* * Don't waste time when we lost contact. */ if (state->tls_context) { if (vstream_feof(state->client) || vstream_ferror(state->client)) failure = 1; vstream_fflush(state->client); /* NOT: smtp_flush() */ tls_server_stop(smtpd_tls_ctx, state->client, var_smtpd_starttls_tmout, failure, &(state->tls_info)); state->tls_context = 0; } } #endif /* * The table of all SMTP commands that we know. Set the junk limit flag on * any command that can be repeated an arbitrary number of times without * triggering a tarpit delay of some sort. */ typedef struct SMTPD_CMD { char *name; int (*action) (SMTPD_STATE *, int, SMTPD_TOKEN *); int flags; } SMTPD_CMD; #define SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT (1<<0) /* limit usage */ #define SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS (1<<1) /* allow before STARTTLS */ static SMTPD_CMD smtpd_cmd_table[] = { "HELO", helo_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT | SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS, "EHLO", ehlo_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT | SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS, #ifdef USE_TLS "STARTTLS", starttls_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS, #endif #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH "AUTH", smtpd_sasl_auth_cmd, 0, #endif "MAIL", mail_cmd, 0, "RCPT", rcpt_cmd, 0, "DATA", data_cmd, 0, "RSET", rset_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT, "NOOP", noop_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT | SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS, "VRFY", vrfy_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT, "ETRN", etrn_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT, "QUIT", quit_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS, "XCLIENT", xclient_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT, "XFORWARD", xforward_cmd, SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT, 0, }; static STRING_LIST *smtpd_noop_cmds; static STRING_LIST *smtpd_forbid_cmds; /* smtpd_proto - talk the SMTP protocol */ static void smtpd_proto(SMTPD_STATE *state, const char *service) { int argc; SMTPD_TOKEN *argv; SMTPD_CMD *cmdp; int count; int crate; /* * Print a greeting banner and run the state machine. Read SMTP commands * one line at a time. According to the standard, a sender or recipient * address could contain an escaped newline. I think this is perverse, * and anyone depending on this is really asking for trouble. * * In case of mail protocol trouble, the program jumps back to this place, * so that it can perform the necessary cleanup before talking to the * next client. The setjmp/longjmp primitives are like a sharp tool: use * with care. I would certainly recommend against the use of * setjmp/longjmp in programs that change privilege levels. * * In case of file system trouble the program terminates after logging the * error and after informing the client. In all other cases (out of * memory, panic) the error is logged, and the msg_cleanup() exit handler * cleans up, but no attempt is made to inform the client of the nature * of the problem. */ smtp_timeout_setup(state->client, var_smtpd_tmout); switch (vstream_setjmp(state->client)) { default: msg_panic("smtpd_proto: unknown error reading from %s[%s]", state->name, state->addr); break; case SMTP_ERR_TIME: state->reason = REASON_TIMEOUT; if (vstream_setjmp(state->client) == 0) smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: timeout exceeded", var_myhostname); break; case SMTP_ERR_EOF: state->reason = REASON_LOST_CONNECTION; break; case 0: /* * In TLS wrapper mode, turn on TLS using code that is shared with * the STARTTLS command. This code does not return when the handshake * fails. * * XXX We must start TLS before we can apply the connection and rate * limits, because otherwise there is no way to report transgressions * to the client. This is unfortunate. */ #ifdef USE_TLS if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && var_smtpd_tls_wrappermode) smtpd_start_tls(state); #endif /* * XXX The client connection count/rate control must be consistent in * its use of client address information in connect and disconnect * events. For now we exclude xclient authorized hosts from * connection count/rate control. * * XXX Must send connect/disconnect events to the anvil server even when * this service is not connection count or rate limited, otherwise it * will discard client message or recipient rate information too * early or too late. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && !xclient_allowed && anvil_clnt && !namadr_list_match(hogger_list, state->name, state->addr) && anvil_clnt_connect(anvil_clnt, service, state->addr, &count, &crate) == ANVIL_STAT_OK) { if (var_smtpd_cconn_limit > 0 && count > var_smtpd_cconn_limit) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: too many connections from %s", var_myhostname, state->addr); msg_warn("Connection concurrency limit exceeded: %d from %s for service %s", count, state->namaddr, service); break; } if (var_smtpd_crate_limit > 0 && crate > var_smtpd_crate_limit) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: too many connections from %s", var_myhostname, state->addr); msg_warn("Connection rate limit exceeded: %d from %s for service %s", crate, state->namaddr, service); break; } } /* XXX We use the real client for connect access control. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && var_smtpd_delay_reject == 0 && (state->access_denied = smtpd_check_client(state)) != 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "%s", state->access_denied); state->error_count++; } else { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "220 %s", var_smtpd_banner); } for (;;) { if (state->error_count >= var_smtpd_hard_erlim) { state->reason = REASON_ERROR_LIMIT; state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "421 %s Error: too many errors", var_myhostname); break; } watchdog_pat(); smtpd_chat_query(state); if ((argc = smtpd_token(vstring_str(state->buffer), &argv)) == 0) { state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; smtpd_chat_reply(state, "500 Error: bad syntax"); state->error_count++; continue; } if (*var_smtpd_noop_cmds && string_list_match(smtpd_noop_cmds, argv[0].strval)) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "250 Ok"); if (state->junk_cmds++ > var_smtpd_junk_cmd_limit) state->error_count++; continue; } for (cmdp = smtpd_cmd_table; cmdp->name != 0; cmdp++) if (strcasecmp(argv[0].strval, cmdp->name) == 0) break; if (cmdp->name == 0) { if (is_header(argv[0].strval) || (*var_smtpd_forbid_cmds && string_list_match(smtpd_forbid_cmds, argv[0].strval))) { msg_warn("%s sent non-SMTP command: %.100s", state->namaddr, vstring_str(state->buffer)); smtpd_chat_reply(state, "221 Error: I can break rules, too. Goodbye."); break; } smtpd_chat_reply(state, "502 Error: command not implemented"); state->error_mask |= MAIL_ERROR_PROTOCOL; state->error_count++; continue; } /* XXX We use the real client for connect access control. */ if (state->access_denied && cmdp->action != quit_cmd) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "503 Error: access denied for %s", state->namaddr); /* RFC 2821 Sec 3.1 */ state->error_count++; continue; } #ifdef USE_TLS if (state->tls_enforce_tls && !state->tls_context && (cmdp->flags & SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_PRE_TLS) == 0) { smtpd_chat_reply(state, "530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first"); state->error_count++; continue; } #endif state->where = cmdp->name; if (cmdp->action(state, argc, argv) != 0) state->error_count++; if ((cmdp->flags & SMTPD_CMD_FLAG_LIMIT) && state->junk_cmds++ > var_smtpd_junk_cmd_limit) state->error_count++; if (cmdp->action == quit_cmd) break; } break; } /* * XXX The client connection count/rate control must be consistent in its * use of client address information in connect and disconnect events. * For now we exclude xclient authorized hosts from connection count/rate * control. * * XXX Must send connect/disconnect events to the anvil server even when * this service is not connection count or rate limited, otherwise it * will discard client message or recipient rate information too early or * too late. */ if (SMTPD_STAND_ALONE(state) == 0 && !xclient_allowed && anvil_clnt && !namadr_list_match(hogger_list, state->name, state->addr)) anvil_clnt_disconnect(anvil_clnt, service, state->addr); /* * Log abnormal session termination, in case postmaster notification has * been turned off. In the log, indicate the last recognized state before * things went wrong. Don't complain about clients that go away without * sending QUIT. */ if (state->reason && state->where && (strcmp(state->where, SMTPD_AFTER_DOT) || strcmp(state->reason, REASON_LOST_CONNECTION))) msg_info("%s after %s from %s[%s]", state->reason, state->where, state->name, state->addr); /* * Cleanup whatever information the client gave us during the SMTP * dialog. */ #ifdef USE_TLS tls_reset(state); #endif helo_reset(state); #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable) smtpd_sasl_auth_reset(state); #endif chat_reset(state, 0); mail_reset(state); rcpt_reset(state); } /* smtpd_service - service one client */ static void smtpd_service(VSTREAM *stream, char *service, char **argv) { SMTPD_STATE state; /* * Sanity check. This service takes no command-line arguments. */ if (argv[0]) msg_fatal("unexpected command-line argument: %s", argv[0]); /* * This routine runs when a client has connected to our network port, or * when the smtp server is run in stand-alone mode (input from pipe). * * Look up and sanitize the peer name, then initialize some connection- * specific state. When the name service is hosed, hostname lookup will * take a while. This is why I always run a local name server on critical * machines. */ smtpd_state_init(&state, stream, service); msg_info("connect from %s[%s]", state.name, state.addr); /* * With TLS wrapper mode, we run on a dedicated port and turn on TLS * before actually speaking the SMTP protocol. This implies TLS enforce * mode. * * With non-wrapper mode, TLS enforce mode implies that we don't advertise * AUTH before the client issues STARTTLS. */ #ifdef USE_TLS if (!SMTPD_STAND_ALONE((&state))) { if (var_smtpd_tls_wrappermode) { state.tls_use_tls = 1; state.tls_enforce_tls = 1; } else { state.tls_use_tls = var_smtpd_use_tls | var_smtpd_enforce_tls; state.tls_enforce_tls = var_smtpd_enforce_tls; } if (var_smtpd_tls_auth_only || state.tls_enforce_tls) state.tls_auth_only = 1; } #endif /* * XCLIENT must not override its own access control. */ xclient_allowed = namadr_list_match(xclient_hosts, state.name, state.addr); /* * Overriding XFORWARD access control makes no sense, either. */ xforward_allowed = namadr_list_match(xforward_hosts, state.name, state.addr); /* * See if we need to turn on verbose logging for this client. */ debug_peer_check(state.name, state.addr); /* * Provide the SMTP service. */ smtpd_proto(&state, service); /* * After the client has gone away, clean up whatever we have set up at * connection time. */ msg_info("disconnect from %s[%s]", state.name, state.addr); smtpd_state_reset(&state); debug_peer_restore(); } /* pre_accept - see if tables have changed */ static void pre_accept(char *unused_name, char **unused_argv) { const char *table; if ((table = dict_changed_name()) != 0) { msg_info("table %s has changed -- restarting", table); exit(0); } } /* pre_jail_init - pre-jail initialization */ static void pre_jail_init(char *unused_name, char **unused_argv) { /* * Initialize blacklist/etc. patterns before entering the chroot jail, in * case they specify a filename pattern. */ smtpd_noop_cmds = string_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_smtpd_noop_cmds); smtpd_forbid_cmds = string_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_smtpd_forbid_cmds); verp_clients = namadr_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_verp_clients); xclient_hosts = namadr_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_xclient_hosts); xforward_hosts = namadr_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_xforward_hosts); hogger_list = namadr_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_smtpd_hoggers); if (getuid() == 0 || getuid() == var_owner_uid) smtpd_check_init(); debug_peer_init(); if (var_smtpd_sasl_enable) #ifdef USE_SASL_AUTH smtpd_sasl_initialize(); if (*var_smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks) sasl_exceptions_networks = namadr_list_init(MATCH_FLAG_NONE, var_smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks); #else msg_warn("%s is true, but SASL support is not compiled in", VAR_SMTPD_SASL_ENABLE); #endif /* * Keys can only be loaded when running with suitable permissions. When * called from "sendmail -bs" this is not the case, but STARTTLS is not * used in this scenario anyhow. */ if (getuid() == 0 || getuid() == var_owner_uid) { if (var_smtpd_use_tls || var_smtpd_enforce_tls || var_smtpd_tls_wrappermode) #ifdef USE_TLS smtpd_tls_ctx = tls_server_init(var_smtpd_tls_ccert_vd, var_smtpd_tls_ask_ccert); #else msg_warn("TLS has been selected, but TLS support is not compiled in"); #endif } /* * flush client. */ flush_init(); /* * EHLO keyword filter. */ if (*var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_maps) ehlo_discard_maps = maps_create(VAR_SMTPD_EHLO_DIS_MAPS, var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_maps, DICT_FLAG_LOCK); } /* post_jail_init - post-jail initialization */ static void post_jail_init(char *unused_name, char **unused_argv) { /* * Initialize the receive transparency options: do we want unknown * recipient checks, address mapping, header_body_checks?. */ smtpd_input_transp_mask = input_transp_mask(VAR_INPUT_TRANSP, var_input_transp); /* * Sanity checks. The queue_minfree value should be at least as large as * (process_limit * message_size_limit) but that is unpractical, so we * arbitrarily pick a number and require twice the message size limit. */ if (var_queue_minfree > 0 && var_message_limit > 0 && var_queue_minfree / 1.5 < var_message_limit) msg_warn("%s(%lu) should be at least 1.5*%s(%lu)", VAR_QUEUE_MINFREE, (unsigned long) var_queue_minfree, VAR_MESSAGE_LIMIT, (unsigned long) var_message_limit); /* * Connection rate management. */ if (var_smtpd_crate_limit || var_smtpd_cconn_limit || var_smtpd_cmail_limit || var_smtpd_crcpt_limit) anvil_clnt = anvil_clnt_create(); } /* main - the main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { static CONFIG_INT_TABLE int_table[] = { VAR_SMTPD_RCPT_LIMIT, DEF_SMTPD_RCPT_LIMIT, &var_smtpd_rcpt_limit, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SOFT_ERLIM, DEF_SMTPD_SOFT_ERLIM, &var_smtpd_soft_erlim, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_HARD_ERLIM, DEF_SMTPD_HARD_ERLIM, &var_smtpd_hard_erlim, 1, 0, VAR_QUEUE_MINFREE, DEF_QUEUE_MINFREE, &var_queue_minfree, 0, 0, VAR_UNK_CLIENT_CODE, DEF_UNK_CLIENT_CODE, &var_unk_client_code, 0, 0, VAR_BAD_NAME_CODE, DEF_BAD_NAME_CODE, &var_bad_name_code, 0, 0, VAR_UNK_NAME_CODE, DEF_UNK_NAME_CODE, &var_unk_name_code, 0, 0, VAR_UNK_ADDR_CODE, DEF_UNK_ADDR_CODE, &var_unk_addr_code, 0, 0, VAR_RELAY_CODE, DEF_RELAY_CODE, &var_relay_code, 0, 0, VAR_MAPS_RBL_CODE, DEF_MAPS_RBL_CODE, &var_maps_rbl_code, 0, 0, VAR_ACCESS_MAP_CODE, DEF_ACCESS_MAP_CODE, &var_access_map_code, 0, 0, VAR_REJECT_CODE, DEF_REJECT_CODE, &var_reject_code, 0, 0, VAR_DEFER_CODE, DEF_DEFER_CODE, &var_defer_code, 0, 0, VAR_NON_FQDN_CODE, DEF_NON_FQDN_CODE, &var_non_fqdn_code, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_JUNK_CMD, DEF_SMTPD_JUNK_CMD, &var_smtpd_junk_cmd_limit, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_RCPT_OVERLIM, DEF_SMTPD_RCPT_OVERLIM, &var_smtpd_rcpt_overlim, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_HIST_THRSH, DEF_SMTPD_HIST_THRSH, &var_smtpd_hist_thrsh, 1, 0, VAR_UNV_FROM_CODE, DEF_UNV_FROM_CODE, &var_unv_from_code, 0, 0, VAR_UNV_RCPT_CODE, DEF_UNV_RCPT_CODE, &var_unv_rcpt_code, 0, 0, VAR_MUL_RCPT_CODE, DEF_MUL_RCPT_CODE, &var_mul_rcpt_code, 0, 0, VAR_LOCAL_RCPT_CODE, DEF_LOCAL_RCPT_CODE, &var_local_rcpt_code, 0, 0, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_CODE, DEF_VIRT_ALIAS_CODE, &var_virt_alias_code, 0, 0, VAR_VIRT_MAILBOX_CODE, DEF_VIRT_MAILBOX_CODE, &var_virt_mailbox_code, 0, 0, VAR_RELAY_RCPT_CODE, DEF_RELAY_RCPT_CODE, &var_relay_rcpt_code, 0, 0, VAR_VERIFY_POLL_COUNT, DEF_VERIFY_POLL_COUNT, &var_verify_poll_count, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_CRATE_LIMIT, DEF_SMTPD_CRATE_LIMIT, &var_smtpd_crate_limit, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_CCONN_LIMIT, DEF_SMTPD_CCONN_LIMIT, &var_smtpd_cconn_limit, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_CMAIL_LIMIT, DEF_SMTPD_CMAIL_LIMIT, &var_smtpd_cmail_limit, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_CRCPT_LIMIT, DEF_SMTPD_CRCPT_LIMIT, &var_smtpd_crcpt_limit, 0, 0, #ifdef USE_TLS VAR_SMTPD_TLS_CCERT_VD, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_CCERT_VD, &var_smtpd_tls_ccert_vd, 0, 0, #endif 0, }; static CONFIG_TIME_TABLE time_table[] = { VAR_SMTPD_TMOUT, DEF_SMTPD_TMOUT, &var_smtpd_tmout, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_ERR_SLEEP, DEF_SMTPD_ERR_SLEEP, &var_smtpd_err_sleep, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_PROXY_TMOUT, DEF_SMTPD_PROXY_TMOUT, &var_smtpd_proxy_tmout, 1, 0, VAR_VERIFY_POLL_DELAY, DEF_VERIFY_POLL_DELAY, &var_verify_poll_delay, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_POLICY_TMOUT, DEF_SMTPD_POLICY_TMOUT, &var_smtpd_policy_tmout, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_POLICY_IDLE, DEF_SMTPD_POLICY_IDLE, &var_smtpd_policy_idle, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_POLICY_TTL, DEF_SMTPD_POLICY_TTL, &var_smtpd_policy_ttl, 1, 0, #ifdef USE_TLS VAR_SMTPD_STARTTLS_TMOUT, DEF_SMTPD_STARTTLS_TMOUT, &var_smtpd_starttls_tmout, 1, 0, #endif 0, }; static CONFIG_BOOL_TABLE bool_table[] = { VAR_HELO_REQUIRED, DEF_HELO_REQUIRED, &var_helo_required, VAR_SMTPD_DELAY_REJECT, DEF_SMTPD_DELAY_REJECT, &var_smtpd_delay_reject, VAR_STRICT_RFC821_ENV, DEF_STRICT_RFC821_ENV, &var_strict_rfc821_env, VAR_DISABLE_VRFY_CMD, DEF_DISABLE_VRFY_CMD, &var_disable_vrfy_cmd, VAR_ALLOW_UNTRUST_ROUTE, DEF_ALLOW_UNTRUST_ROUTE, &var_allow_untrust_route, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_ENABLE, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_ENABLE, &var_smtpd_sasl_enable, VAR_BROKEN_AUTH_CLNTS, DEF_BROKEN_AUTH_CLNTS, &var_broken_auth_clients, VAR_SHOW_UNK_RCPT_TABLE, DEF_SHOW_UNK_RCPT_TABLE, &var_show_unk_rcpt_table, VAR_SMTPD_REJ_UNL_FROM, DEF_SMTPD_REJ_UNL_FROM, &var_smtpd_rej_unl_from, VAR_SMTPD_REJ_UNL_RCPT, DEF_SMTPD_REJ_UNL_RCPT, &var_smtpd_rej_unl_rcpt, VAR_SMTPD_USE_TLS, DEF_SMTPD_USE_TLS, &var_smtpd_use_tls, VAR_SMTPD_ENFORCE_TLS, DEF_SMTPD_ENFORCE_TLS, &var_smtpd_enforce_tls, VAR_SMTPD_TLS_WRAPPER, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_WRAPPER, &var_smtpd_tls_wrappermode, #ifdef USE_TLS VAR_SMTPD_TLS_AUTH_ONLY, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_AUTH_ONLY, &var_smtpd_tls_auth_only, VAR_SMTPD_TLS_ACERT, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_ACERT, &var_smtpd_tls_ask_ccert, VAR_SMTPD_TLS_RCERT, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_RCERT, &var_smtpd_tls_req_ccert, VAR_SMTPD_TLS_RECHEAD, DEF_SMTPD_TLS_RECHEAD, &var_smtpd_tls_received_header, #endif 0, }; static CONFIG_STR_TABLE str_table[] = { VAR_SMTPD_BANNER, DEF_SMTPD_BANNER, &var_smtpd_banner, 1, 0, VAR_NOTIFY_CLASSES, DEF_NOTIFY_CLASSES, &var_notify_classes, 0, 0, VAR_CLIENT_CHECKS, DEF_CLIENT_CHECKS, &var_client_checks, 0, 0, VAR_HELO_CHECKS, DEF_HELO_CHECKS, &var_helo_checks, 0, 0, VAR_MAIL_CHECKS, DEF_MAIL_CHECKS, &var_mail_checks, 0, 0, VAR_RCPT_CHECKS, DEF_RCPT_CHECKS, &var_rcpt_checks, 0, 0, VAR_ETRN_CHECKS, DEF_ETRN_CHECKS, &var_etrn_checks, 0, 0, VAR_DATA_CHECKS, DEF_DATA_CHECKS, &var_data_checks, 0, 0, VAR_EOD_CHECKS, DEF_EOD_CHECKS, &var_eod_checks, 0, 0, VAR_MAPS_RBL_DOMAINS, DEF_MAPS_RBL_DOMAINS, &var_maps_rbl_domains, 0, 0, VAR_RBL_REPLY_MAPS, DEF_RBL_REPLY_MAPS, &var_rbl_reply_maps, 0, 0, VAR_ERROR_RCPT, DEF_ERROR_RCPT, &var_error_rcpt, 1, 0, VAR_REST_CLASSES, DEF_REST_CLASSES, &var_rest_classes, 0, 0, VAR_CANONICAL_MAPS, DEF_CANONICAL_MAPS, &var_canonical_maps, 0, 0, VAR_RCPT_CANON_MAPS, DEF_RCPT_CANON_MAPS, &var_rcpt_canon_maps, 0, 0, VAR_VIRT_ALIAS_MAPS, DEF_VIRT_ALIAS_MAPS, &var_virt_alias_maps, 0, 0, VAR_VIRT_MAILBOX_MAPS, DEF_VIRT_MAILBOX_MAPS, &var_virt_mailbox_maps, 0, 0, VAR_ALIAS_MAPS, DEF_ALIAS_MAPS, &var_alias_maps, 0, 0, VAR_LOCAL_RCPT_MAPS, DEF_LOCAL_RCPT_MAPS, &var_local_rcpt_maps, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_OPTS, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_OPTS, &var_smtpd_sasl_opts, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_APPNAME, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_APPNAME, &var_smtpd_sasl_appname, 1, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_REALM, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_REALM, &var_smtpd_sasl_realm, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_EXCEPTIONS_NETWORKS, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_EXCEPTIONS_NETWORKS, &var_smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks, 0, 0, VAR_FILTER_XPORT, DEF_FILTER_XPORT, &var_filter_xport, 0, 0, VAR_PERM_MX_NETWORKS, DEF_PERM_MX_NETWORKS, &var_perm_mx_networks, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SND_AUTH_MAPS, DEF_SMTPD_SND_AUTH_MAPS, &var_smtpd_snd_auth_maps, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_NOOP_CMDS, DEF_SMTPD_NOOP_CMDS, &var_smtpd_noop_cmds, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_FORBID_CMDS, DEF_SMTPD_FORBID_CMDS, &var_smtpd_forbid_cmds, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_NULL_KEY, DEF_SMTPD_NULL_KEY, &var_smtpd_null_key, 0, 0, VAR_RELAY_RCPT_MAPS, DEF_RELAY_RCPT_MAPS, &var_relay_rcpt_maps, 0, 0, VAR_VERIFY_SENDER, DEF_VERIFY_SENDER, &var_verify_sender, 0, 0, VAR_VERP_CLIENTS, DEF_VERP_CLIENTS, &var_verp_clients, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_PROXY_FILT, DEF_SMTPD_PROXY_FILT, &var_smtpd_proxy_filt, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_PROXY_EHLO, DEF_SMTPD_PROXY_EHLO, &var_smtpd_proxy_ehlo, 0, 0, VAR_INPUT_TRANSP, DEF_INPUT_TRANSP, &var_input_transp, 0, 0, VAR_XCLIENT_HOSTS, DEF_XCLIENT_HOSTS, &var_xclient_hosts, 0, 0, VAR_XFORWARD_HOSTS, DEF_XFORWARD_HOSTS, &var_xforward_hosts, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_HOGGERS, DEF_SMTPD_HOGGERS, &var_smtpd_hoggers, 0, 0, VAR_LOC_RWR_CLIENTS, DEF_LOC_RWR_CLIENTS, &var_local_rwr_clients, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_EHLO_DIS_WORDS, DEF_SMTPD_EHLO_DIS_WORDS, &var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_words, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_EHLO_DIS_MAPS, DEF_SMTPD_EHLO_DIS_MAPS, &var_smtpd_ehlo_dis_maps, 0, 0, #ifdef USE_TLS VAR_RELAY_CCERTS, DEF_RELAY_CCERTS, &var_smtpd_relay_ccerts, 0, 0, VAR_SMTPD_SASL_TLS_OPTS, DEF_SMTPD_SASL_TLS_OPTS, &var_smtpd_sasl_tls_opts, 0, 0, #endif 0, }; static CONFIG_RAW_TABLE raw_table[] = { VAR_SMTPD_EXP_FILTER, DEF_SMTPD_EXP_FILTER, &var_smtpd_exp_filter, 1, 0, VAR_DEF_RBL_REPLY, DEF_DEF_RBL_REPLY, &var_def_rbl_reply, 1, 0, 0, }; /* * Pass control to the single-threaded service skeleton. */ single_server_main(argc, argv, smtpd_service, MAIL_SERVER_INT_TABLE, int_table, MAIL_SERVER_STR_TABLE, str_table, MAIL_SERVER_RAW_TABLE, raw_table, MAIL_SERVER_BOOL_TABLE, bool_table, MAIL_SERVER_TIME_TABLE, time_table, MAIL_SERVER_PRE_INIT, pre_jail_init, MAIL_SERVER_PRE_ACCEPT, pre_accept, MAIL_SERVER_POST_INIT, post_jail_init, 0); }