# Extender A Perl module that offers a wide range of functionalities to dynamically extend Perl objects with additional methods. This module is particularly useful when you want to enhance Perl objects without modifying their original definitions directly. Here's a summary and explanation of each function provided by the `Extender` module: ### Summary of Functions in `Extender` Perl Module: 1. **Extend**: - **Purpose**: Extends an object with methods from a specified module. - **Usage**: `Extend($object, $module, @methods)` - **Example**: `Extend($object, 'Some::Module', 'method1', 'method2')` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be applied to HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or a complete class object. For example: ```perl my $hash_ref = Extend({}, 'HashMethods', 'method1', 'method2'); my $array_ref = Extend([], 'ArrayMethods', 'method1', 'method2'); my $scalar_ref = Extend(\(my $scalar = 'value'), 'ScalarMethods', 'method1'); my $glob_ref = Extend(\*GLOB, 'GlobMethods', 'method1'); my $class_ref = Extend(MyClass->new(), 'ClassMethods', 'method1'); ``` 2. **Extends**: - **Purpose**: Extends an object with custom methods defined by the user. - **Usage**: `Extends($object, %extend)` - **Example**: `Extends($object, custom_method => sub { ... }, another_method => \&some_function)` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be used with HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. For example: ```perl Extends($hash_object, hash_method => sub { ... }); Extends($array_object, array_method => sub { ... }); Extends($scalar_object, scalar_method => sub { ... }); Extends($glob_object, glob_method => sub { ... }); Extends($hash_class, hash_method => sub { ... }); Extends($array_class, array_method => sub { ... }); Extends($scalar_class, scalar_method => sub { ... }); Extends($glob_class, glob_method => sub { ... }); ``` 3. **Alias**: - **Purpose**: Creates an alias for an existing method in the object with a new name. - **Usage**: `Alias($object, $existing_method, $new_name)` - **Example**: `Alias($object, 'existing_method', 'new_alias')` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be applied to HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. 4. **AddMethod**: - **Purpose**: Adds a new method to the object. - **Usage**: `AddMethod($object, $method_name, $code_ref)` - **Example**: `AddMethod($object, 'new_method', sub { ... })` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be used with HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. 5. **Decorate**: - **Purpose**: Decorates an existing method with a custom decorator. - **Usage**: `Decorate($object, $method_name, $decorator)` - **Example**: `Decorate($object, 'method_to_decorate', sub { ... })` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be applied to HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. 6. **ApplyRole**: - **Purpose**: Applies a role (mixin) to an object. - **Usage**: `ApplyRole($object, $role_class)` - **Example**: `ApplyRole($object, 'SomeRole')` - **Supported Object Types**: Primarily used with class objects. Not directly applicable to raw references like HASH, ARRAY, or SCALAR. 7. **InitHook**: - **Purpose**: Adds initialization or destruction hooks to an object. - **Usage**: `InitHook($object, $hook_name, $hook_code)` - **Example**: `InitHook($object, 'INIT', sub { ... })` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be used with HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. For example: ```perl InitHook($hash_object, 'INIT', sub { print "Hash object initialized\n" }); InitHook($array_object, 'DESTRUCT', sub { print "Array object destructed\n" }); ``` 8. **Unload**: - **Purpose**: Removes specified methods from the object's namespace. - **Usage**: `Unload($object, @methods)` - **Example**: `Unload($object, 'method1', 'method2')` - **Supported Object Types**: Can be applied to HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR, GLOB references, or class objects. ### Explanation and Usage: - **Extend**: Useful for importing methods from external modules dynamically. It checks if the module is loaded, imports specified methods, and adds them to the object. ```perl my $object = SomeClass->new(); Extend($object, 'SomeModule', 'method1', 'method2'); ``` - **Extends**: Allows adding custom methods directly to an object. ```perl my $object = SomeClass->new(); Extends($object, custom_method => sub { ... }, another_method => \&some_function); ``` - **Alias**: Creates an alias for an existing method. ```perl Alias($object, 'existing_method', 'alias_method'); ``` - **AddMethod**: Adds a new method to the object. ```perl AddMethod($object, 'new_method_name', sub { ... }); ``` - **Decorate**: Decorates an existing method with custom behavior. ```perl my $decorator_sub = sub { ... }; Decorate($object, 'existing_method', $decorator_sub); ``` - **ApplyRole**: Applies a role (mixin) to an object. ```perl my $object = SomeClass->new(); ApplyRole($object, 'SomeRole'); ``` - **InitHook**: Adds hooks that execute during object initialization or destruction. ```perl package MyClass; use Extender; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = Extend({}, 'Extender') ->InitHook('INIT', sub { print "Initializing object\n" }) ->InitHook('DESTRUCT', sub { print "Destructing object\n" }); return bless $self, $class; } package main; use MyClass; my $object = MyClass->new(); # Outputs: Initializing object undef $object; # Outputs: Destructing object ``` - **Unload**: Removes specified methods from the object. ```perl Unload($object, 'method_to_remove'); ``` ### Installation To install `Extender`, use CPAN or CPAN Minus: ```bash cpan Extender ``` or ```bash cpanm Extender ``` ### Installation from GitHub To install Extender directly from GitHub, you can clone the repository and use the Makefile.PL: ```bash git clone https://github.com/DomeroSoftware/Extender.git cd Extender perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` To clean the installation files from your disk after installation: ```bash make clean cd .. rm -rf ./Extender ``` ## Author OnEhIppY @ Domero Software Email: domerosoftware@gmail.com GitHub: [DomeroSoftware/Extender](https://github.com/DomeroSoftware/Extender) ## License This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [perlartistic](https://dev.perl.org/licenses/artistic.html) and [perlgpl](https://dev.perl.org/licenses/gpl-1.0.html). ## See Also - [Exporter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Exporter) - [perlfunc](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlfunc) - [perlref](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlref) - [perlsub](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlsub)