Title: synaptic.unc Description: GUI for APT Version: 0.16-6 Author: Alfredo K. Kojima Original-site: http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/ Copying-policy: GNU GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 584K ]==----- Extension by: vabene04 Comments: Gui-frontend for apt. Lets easy install and update programs. *** NOTE *** Requires the dsl-dpkg.unc extension to be installed first and apt-get update Change-log: 07/17/2004 - First version 08/11/2004 - Rebuilt for cross-compat - removed docs/dpkg/apt/doubled files 08/17/2004 - Built for DS 09/04/2004 - Added wrapper for root access Current: 2007/01/10 - Converted to unc