Begin3 Title: fbm2fli Version: 0.4b Entered-date: 20MAR96 Description: This archive contains the following programs : fbm2fli: This program generates FLI/FLC animation files from a series of 8bit mapped image files. unfli: It does the opposite of 'fbm2fli'. It can extract the images of a FLI animation. fboctree: This program converts 24bit true color images to 8bit mapped images, where a series of images can have a common color table. Keywords: fbm2fli, unfli, fboctree, graphics, convert, fli, animation Author: (Klaus Ehrenfried) Primary-site: /pub/podlipec 58925 fbm2fli_0.4b.tar.Z Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert 32250 fbm2fli-0.4b.tgz 102797 fbm2fli-0.4b.ELF.tgz Platforms: fbm package required. Copying-policy: Copyrighted, and freeware. End