Begin3 Title: Xwb (X-window-workbench) Version: 3.1 Entered-date: 11.5.99 Description: Editor usable for any programming languages or text processors. The file types are auto-detected by their extension and accomodates the menu for compiling and executing the target files. Freely configurable, preconfigured for working with MAKE, C, C++, Java, TeX, LaTeX, POV, HTML, CSH and PERL. Keywords: Editor, Programming, Xview. Author: (Michael Sohmen) Maintained-by: (Michael Sohmen) Primary-site: 81kb xwb-3.1.tgz Alternate-site: Platforms: Based of the Xview Library (or OpenLook), which is avaiblable on Linux, Solaris and a few other OSs. Copying-policy: GPL" (GNU Public License) End