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Current directory: /ftp/ftp/languages/python/python/contrib-09-Dec-1999/All/
Contents of README:
	     Contributed Python Stuff - The Whole Shmeer
				  See README.log for change history

This directory collects together all the contributed items in the
categorical subdirs, in order to make it easier to peruse the
collection as a whole.  Almost all source files have an accompanying
README, which we're not including in this list.

See ../README in the superior directory for general info about the

See also <a href="http://www.python.org/python/Contributed.html">the
collection of links to contributed Python stuff around the net</a>.

AlphaPythonMode.sit.hqx	Python mode for Mac Alpha 6.5 editor (Robin Friedrich)
AmigaPython.lha		Python ported to Amiga (Irmen de Jong)
anagram.zip		A Dictionary-based Anagram Maker (Andrew C. Yinger)
avl.tar.gz		Hybrid dicts/lists, with best-of-both behavior
			(Sam Rushing)
avl_NT.tar.gz		AVL stuff compiled for Win/NT (Hirendra Hindocha)
baw.tar.gz		Small miscellany (Barry Warsaw)
blt2_1.py		Some blt functionality for Tkinter
			(Peter J. Godman, Noboru Yamamoto)
BoilerPlate.tar.gz	Macro processing of Python text (Brad Howes)
braille.tar.gz		LaTeX2e package for typesetting Braille documents
			(William Park)
ccso.tar.gz		CSO address manager interface (Jeffrey Ollie)
Cookie.py		Support for Web cookies
Cookie.README           (Timothy O'Malley)
CollectingParser.tar.gz	Example using SGML lib to parse HTML. (Tessa Lau)
Config.tar.gz		Configuration-variables management tools
			(Lars Wirzenius)
consdiag.tgz            Constructor of diagrams (anonymous)
Cyclops.py              Find and analyze runtime reference cycles
Cyclops.README          (Tim Peters)
dbhash.tar.gz		BSD hash (dbhash) interface (anonymous)
dbf-0.1.py		Read dbf files (Michal Spalinski)
descfunc.py		Describe function/method/class call (fredrik lundh)
DirectoryTree.py	Directory tree processing (Michael T. Richter)
djpy.zip		Files necessary to compile python 1.4 with djgpp
			(Ben Darnell)
dns2netgroup.py		Produce netgroup file from DNS queries (Ken Manheimer)
doc.py			Examine and massage object docstrings (Fred Drake)
doctest.py              Framework for automatically testing examples in
doctest.README          docstrings (Tim Peters)
DPyGetOpt.py		Full-featured option processing module (Bill Bumgarner)
exparse.py              A local installation watcher
exparse.README          Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>
exported.py		Handle exported db tables, eg CSV files (Ken Manheimer)
expy-0.4a.tar.gz	Interface to Don Libes' 'expect' lib (Farzad Farid,
			Saad Mufti) (see also pyexpect.py, below)
fcgiapp.html		Current rev at http://www.digicool.com/releases/fcgi/
filter.tar.gz		Class to implement Unix-style filters (??)
FixedPoint.py		Fixed decimal precision arithmetic (Tim Peters)
forth.tar.gz		Postfix forth-ish interpreter in python (N Seidenman)
FortranFormat.py	Read and write fortran-formatted files (Konrad Hinsen)
foztools-0.1.tar.gz	A set of PythonTk UI widgets (Gary Foster)
FreeBSD-1.3.README	How to get a FreeBSD port of 1.3. (Thomas Gellekum)
functor-0.1.1.tar.gz	Combine callables w args to yield ~efficient "functors"
functor.0.1.1.README	(updated by Chris Tismer, originally Donald Beaudry)
fsm.py			Finite State Machine class (Skip Montanaro)
gd_NT.tar.tz		GD interface compiled for Win/NT (Hirendra Hindocha)
			(see http://www.boutell.com/gd/ for info about GD)
gdbmmodule-win32.tar.gz Port of Python GDBM module to Win32 (Milton Hankins)
gnome-python-1.0.4.README	Python bindings for GNOME
gnome-python-1.0.4.tar.gz	(James Henstridge)
image.tar.gz		Multiple image-format handling (Jack Jansen)
interscript_1_0_a9.tgz	Literate programming/packaging mechanism
interscript_1_0_a9_doc.tgz (documentation)
interscript.README      (John Skaller)
holmes.tar.gz		Python expert-system inference system (Mark Lutz)
html2text.py		Create stripped versions of web pages. (Ken Manheimer)
HTMLgen.tar.gz		Programmatic HTML production lib.  (Robin Friedrich)
HTMLtag.tar.gz  	For LaTeX users (William Park)
idle-0.1.tgz		(See the current python release for the current version
			of idle, the python IDE.)
ilu-2.0-a12Python1.5.zip ILU 2.0a12/python 1.5 built for win32 (Jody Winston)
informixdb.tar.gz	DB API interface to informix (Bertil Reinhammar, eshop)
informixdb.zip		Same as informixdb.tar.gz, but for pc.
informixmodule.c	Informix interface (George Cutrell)
Installer_r_01.exe      Create installation packages and quasi-standalone
Installer.README	python execs for Win32 (Gordon McMillan)
jahtml-0.6.tar.gz	Jerome Alet's HTML & CGI document generator
kconv-0.3.tar.gz	Handle Japanese-encoded chars in Python (Sen Nagata)
kjbuckets.tar.gz	hash-table based datatypes C extension (Aaron Watters)
			(new: version 2.1)
kwParsing.tar.gz	Parser generator written in Python (Aaron Watters)
life-preserver-html.tar.gz HTML version of Tkinter synopsis
linefix.py              Normalize line endings (CRLF/CR)
linefix.README          (Tim Peters)
long2dos.py		Massage dir tree filenames to accomodate DOS (8.3, etc)
			(Gary Capell)
lutz.tar.gz		More miscellany - python shell, sets, etc (Mark Lutz)
lyntin.README		Mud client - see web site in README (Lyn Headley)
m_lib.tar.gz		Miscellaneous DOS enhancements, including os.popen()
			(Oleg Broytmann)
mailman.tar.gz		Python-based maillist management system
mailman1b2.patch1	patch for mailman.tar.gz
mailman.README		(John Viega, Ken Manheimer)
Makefile		Ignore this - for producing README.log.
matrix.tar.gz		Matrix and vector math in python (Mario Chemnitz)
 (see also the <A HREF="../sigs/matrix-sig/">matrix-sig</A> for numeric python)
memmon			Python and C++ code to monitor memory mgt
			(CableTron, inc Thomas Hazel)
modulator.README	C extensions boilerplate-code generator
modulator2.tar.gz	Enhanced 'modulator' extension writer (Daniel Larsson)
mpwl.zip		Additional useful Tkinter widgets (Arpad Kiss)

mSQLmodule-2.0b.tar.gz  mSQL-2.0, Python-1.5 compatible module
			(Vincent Hillenbrink <vincent@sqr.nl>)
			Updated 18-Nov-1999, and old SQL modules deleted.

netsax.tar.gz           A simple module for allowing multiple xml files to be
netsax.README           processed by a server using saxlib (David Schere)
nidaq.zip		Win32 access to Natl Instrument Data Acquisition boards
			(Chris Wright)
nscookie.py		Create dictionary-like Netscape cookies (Dave Mitchell)
objectmodule.tar.gz	Meta-class programming in Python (Donald Beaudry)
oo-browser-2.9.12.tar.gz Emacs Object-Oriented Browser Python hookup
			 (Harri Pasanen)
optracker-1.4.tar.gz	Python Byte-code Opcode Tracker (Perry Stoll)
ora_os2.tar.gz		OS/2s port of Python oracle module (Stefan Braun)
outdent.el		Indent-oriented outline mode for emacs (Ken Manheimer)
outline.tar.gz		Scaled down text->HTML processor (Gary Capell)
othello.py		Othello (Dave Mitchell)
pgenmodule.tar.gz	Python bindings to python's parser generator
			(Donald Beaudry)
piglatin.py		Pig latin en- and de-cryption (Joseph Strout)
pipe-1.0.tar.gz		An 'expect' interface, departing more from expect
			syntax to integrate with Python objects (John F. Croix)
pgp.shar		Run pgp on a file as a forked process from Python.
			(Neil Schemenauer)
poplib.py		*See also Python 1.5 version* Post Office Protocol
			server (Konrad Hinsen, enhanced by Andy Dustman)
poplib.py.orig		Konrad Hinsen's original version of poplib.py
postit.tar.gz           A simple textual notes utility
postit.README           Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>
pp.py			Basic python pretty printer (Michael Scharf)
py2tex.tar.gz		Typeset Python programs with LaTeX (Jeroen van Maanen)
PyApache.README		Visit http://www.msg.com.mx/pyapache/ .
pyautoconf-0.2.tar.gz   Build autoconf scripts 4 extensions (James Henstridge)
pycover-0.2.tar.gz	Generate python programs coverage info (Drew Csillag)
pyexpect.py		Rudimentary expect-like python class (Mitch Chapman)
	   (see also ftp://ftp.bbn.com/pub/timo/python/ or expy, above)
pyglide.zip             ???
PyGres95-1.0b.tgz	Interface to the Postgres95 database (Pascal Andre)
pygtk-0.6.2.README	Gtkmodule and Gtkinter
pygtk-0.6.2.tar.gz	(James Henstridge)
Pylog-1.0.tar.gz	Python wrapper for the SWI Prolog (W. Michael Petullo)
PyLR.tar.gz		Fast LR parsing in python (Scott Cotton)
pymake-1.8.tar.gz	Convert Setup file to Makefile (michael shiplett)
pyman-0.3.tar.gz	Simple python implementation of 'man' (Rob Hooft)
pymake-0.1-sb.tar.gz	A "make" equivalent written entirely in Python
pymake-0.1-sb.README	(Sam Bayer)
pymat.zip		A Python-to-MATLAB interface (Andrew Sterian)
PyMDITemplate.EXE	PythonWin MFC MDI App Builder (Roger Burnham)
pynttk.tgz		Python+Tkinter-on-WINNT source snapshot (Ross Andrus)
PyOpenGL.README		See http://starship.skyport.net/~da/PyOpenGL
pyPerl.tar.gz		Articulate Perl extensions from Python (David Schere)
pypvm-0.8.2.tar.gz	Parallel Virtual Machine interface
pypvm.README		(W. Michael Petullo)
pyrexx.zip		OS/2 Rexx API Python extension (Jeff Rush)
Pyrl.shar.gz		Python-level interface to GNU readline support
			(Lele Gaifax)
pystrip-1.0.tar.gz	Systematically transform byte-compiled Python code
			(Mike McDonald)
PytDelph.zip		Borland Delphi interface to Python (Dietmar Budelsky)
pyth151.y2k1.patches.tgz Y2K patch for Python 1.5.1 timemodule (AT&T)
python-1.5-beos-diffs.txt Port of Python 1.5 to BeOS (Chris Herborth)
PythonBrowse.py		Mac-only browser for Python internals (Just van Rossum)
PythonBrowse.py.rsrc.hqx		(binhexed required resource file)
Python_NeXT_Patch.tar.gz  Patches for Mach threads under NextStep (Jeff Sickel)
python_odbc_info.tar.gz	HTML article describing application of ODBC 
			Hiren Hidocha
python-tix.tar.gz	Tkinter patch to use extended TIX widets (James Patten)
			(See also PyTix.*)
PyTix-1.12.tar.gz	Another pytix, elaborating on prior work (Sudir Shenoy)
			(See also python-tix.*)
pythonqt-0.4.3.tar.gz	Python QT binding (David Schere)
pyxforms-0.1-alpha.tar.gz Python 1.3 interface to XFORMS (Roberto Alsina)
PYV.tar.gz		Python binding to Portable GUI V (Sofin Raskin)
qpx.tar.gz		Python manipulation of qt lib via XML (David Schere)
README			This file, providing terse description of dir contents
README.log		Change log to show what's changed since last visit
real-accurate.pyar	Ideal real math; to unpack: 'python real-accurate.pyar'
			(Jurjen N.E. Bos)
remotecall.tar.gz	Client-server framework classes (Daniel Larsson)
Report.py		Perl-ish report formatter (Robin Friedrich)
Reporter.shar		Another perl-ish report formater (David C. Lambert)
rivet/			Tk GUI toolkit, sans TCL (Brian Warkentine)
Rivet0.1.tar.Z		tcl-less interface to Tk for Python (Brian Warkentine)
rivetkdialog-0.2.tar.gz	A Rivet version of tkdialog	      (Koert Zeilstra)
sgivideo.tar.gz		Handle SGI CMIF video format files (GvR, Jack Jansen,
			Sjoerd Mullander)
sio-151.zip		Serial comm for Python 1.5 in win 95 (Roger Burnham &c)
siomodule.zip		Old - Python 1.4/Win 95 serial comm (Roger Burnham)
sio_8052.py		Example using siomodule (M.E. Adams)
sock_os2.tar.gz		OS/2 port of Python socketmodule (Stefan Braun)
SolidPython-0.0.1.tar.gz Interface to the Solid DB server (Michael Lausch)
soundex.tar.gz		Hash english to sound-values (David Wayne Williams)
SpecPython-0.1.tar.gz	GUI-Builder for Python + Tkinter (Andreas Koschinsky)
SpecPython0.2.tar.gz	Update of SpecPython-0.1 (Richard Colley)
spectcl2py.py		Convert SpecTcl to python/tkinter (Charles G. Waldman)
spwd.tar.gz		Patch pwdmodule.c for thread awareness and shadow-pass
			(Eugene V. Dvurechenski)
stats.tar.gz		Many basic statistical functions (Gary Strangman)
sscanfmodule.c		Analogue of C's sscanf (Steve Clift)
stoffel.tar.gz		Miscellany (Stoffel Erasumus)
subproc.tar.gz		A subprocess interface (Ken Manheimer)
surd.py			Rational numbers as entities (Nick Seidenman)
swig1.1.tar.gz		Create Python wrappers from C/C++ declarations
			(David M. Beazley)
Sybase.shar		SYBASE interface (John Redford, Tim Docker, etc)
Sybase.patch		Patches for Sybase.shar (Josef Sachs)
sybasemodule.tar.gz	Refined version of Sybase.shar (Bernard Gardner)
syslog.py		Socket-level interface to Unix syslog (Sam Rushing)
tabcleaner.py		a utility that reformats leading whitespace in 
tabcleaner.README	a Python source file (Gordon McMillan)
tdsweeper-1.0.0.tar.gz  A minesweeper clone
tdsweeper-README        Kalle Svensson <karl-sve@dsv.su.se>
TextFile.py		Handle file as both file and sequence (Konrad Hinsen)
textlines.py            memory-friendly version of file.readlines()
textlines.README        Oliver Steele (steele@cs.brandeis.edu)
threading.tar.gz	Patch to enable "free threaded" python - fully
tkdb.py			Python debugger under tkinter windows. (Daniel Larsson)
tk4buttons.shar		triButton.c and studButton.c for Tk 4.0b3
tkdialogs-1.1.tar.gz	Misc TKinter dialogs (Ken Howard, Graham Matthews)
_tkinter1.4.c		 _tkinter.c for Python 1.4 that works with Tcl/Tk 8.0.
			(Guido van Rossum)
tknf.tar.gz		Tkinter-based newsreader.  (Koert Zeilstra)
tparsing.py		Versatile template-based parsing (Aaron Watters)
Tree-python.tar.gz	Filter 'ls -lr' output to tree form (Stelios Xanthakis)
turing.tar.gz		Turing machine simulation (emulation?) (amrit@xvt.com)
typhoonmodule.c		typhoon database interface (Lance Ellinghaus)
uitools.tar.gz		Various composite widget (metawidgets) (Mitch Chapman)
VMS-patch-1.2.tar.gz	Limited port of Python 1.2 to VMS (Donn Cave,
			Christer Wingel) 
vpApp.tar.gz		A GUI application framework using Motif 
			(Per Spilling, Sjoerd Mullender)
waimodule-0.1.tar.gz	Netscape WAI (Web App Interface) API extension
			(dave mitchell)
wbtrace.py		Trace runtime function calls (Johannes Stezenbach)
wrap.py 		Text wrapping and justifying module
wrap.README 		(Moshe Zadka)
xfreeze.tar.gz		Produce executable for python app (Bill Tutt,
			from Siebren van der Zee's version)
xlator.0.2.tar.gz 	DB-structured ASCII file translator (Jim Knight)
xml-builder.tar.gz	Use Python libraries from Python (David Schere)
xml-toolkit0.8.tar.gz	XML app toolkit, including a full XML processor and
			implementation of WIDL (David Schere, Mike Skowronski)
xmllib.tar.gz		*See instead python 1.5* XML parser (Sjoerd Mullender) 
xtalk.tar.gz		X-Windows BSD compatible talk client (Adam P. Jenkins)
yahtzee.tar.gz 		Yahtzee game (from grail applet) (Barry Warsaw)
yarn.tar.gz		Yet Another Rational Numbers module (Lanny Ripple)
z-curve.py              Convert n dimension to the corresponding index
z-curve.readme          value in Z space filling curve (jk94r@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
zlib104.tar.gz		Data compression using GNU zlib (Andrew Kuchling)
zlib_NT.tar.gz		zlib module comipled for Win/NT (Hirendra Hindocha)

Icon  Name                                                  Last modified      Size  
[DIR] Parent Directory - [   ] Makefile.Z 26-Dec-2001 05:24 45 [TXT] README 26-Dec-2001 05:24 14K

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